“The history of liberty has largely been the history of the observance of procedural safeguards” – Felix Frankfurter (US Supreme Court)
Two days ago Stuff.co.nz featured a story, claiming that it had been spotted on a blog. That story featured a now retired judge, Allan Roberts DCJ.
The story was meant to look like it was a bit of a laugh. But the tone of the story, for anyone who knows how New Zealand’s MSM really operate, was indicative of a cover-up.
In the short space of a few minutes the story had additionally been picked up and reported on by the New Zealand Herald. Whats more the following day the story was available in both the Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne’s flagship morning daily The Age.
Now all of this had apparently started with one Kiwi blogger, “The Spinoff”.
Of course to most readers that would have meant very little, but to the educated reader it would have meant a great deal, because “the Spinoff” is the work of ex New Zealand Herald editor Tim Murphy. Murphy retired a while back, replaced by Shayne Currie.
Now we are pretty sure that once these newspapers had published their stories that’s where the matter would have been left, except for the fact that we here at LF immediately picked up on what looked like another MSM snow-job.
Now for the purpose of this post we are going to use the Australian version of the story, principally because it contains more detail, with links, and in fact is subtly suggestive that something might just have been amiss with the Kiwi story given the available facts and chronology. The Sydney Morning Herald stated:
Judge Allan Roberts has his day in court as he sentences man who insulted him on Facebook
Judge Allan Roberts would not stand for any nonsense in his courtroom.
Call a judge the most insulting word imaginable in court and you’ll probably find yourself staring at a charge of contempt.
Call a judge the most insulting word imaginable on Facebook, however, and from a legal point of view you’re in the clear.
Just don’t then find yourself in front of that same judge to be sentenced for unpaid traffic fines totalling more than $6000, as Stuff reports.
For that’s exactly what happened to Taranaki man Troy La Rue, and a full transcript of his exchange with no-nonsense Judge Allan Roberts makes fascinating – and hilarious – reading.
It also serves as a warning on the perils of writing posts on Twitter and Facebook and not realising that anyone can read them, a Taranaki solicitor has said.
La Rue found himself in New Plymouth District Court back in January, and although his case was reported at the time, the transcript handed to website The Spinoff shows the since-retired judge’s commendable patience – and understandable annoyance – with the defendant.
However, he keeps his powder dry – in the beginning, at least.
The Court: “Mr La Rue you have been summonsed to court to deal with these outstanding fines, you know that, don’t you.”
Defendant: “Ah, yes sir.”
The Court: “Fines outstanding $6244. I’m going to send you to do community work. Do you want to say anything?”
Defendant: “Happy with that.”
Judge Roberts then asks the court registrar to show La Rue the Facebook posting that had been brought to his attention.
“Yeah, I was very intoxicated”, says LaRue – it’s all he can manage before Judge Roberts stops him.
“Read it out loud,” Judge Roberts commands.
Defendant: “Says, ‘F*** off”.
The Court: “Read it out word for word. Your post please.”
Defendant: “The bottom one?”
The Court: “Go point it to him, Mr Registrar please?”
Defendant: “This one.”
The Court: “Yes.”
Defendant: “LOL I hope the ******* gone by Friday. Ha ha. f*****, nah f***** c*** whose old face and saggy chin. F*** off”.
The Court: “Who were you talking about?”
Defendant: “Well I’m talking to [a] mate aren’t I?
The Court: “No, no. Who are you talking about?”
Defendant: “Well, I’m guessing in respect to this post.”
The Court: “Who are you talking about when you talk about, “The f****** old c*** with the saggy old chin”.
Defendant: “Well, I guess I’m talking to you, sir.”
The Court: “Thank you.”
Defendant: “And I, I don’t really know what to say about that but I do apologise.”
The Court: “No, no you don’t have to say anything, that’s what I thought.”
Defendant: “Yep.”
The Court: “For your own benefit, Mr La Rue, I don’t read that drivel. That was drawn to my attention by my registrar. You’re a brave soul though, aren’t you?”
Defendant: “Well, all I can say is you got me on that one.”
The Court: “I got you cold mate.”
The Defendant: “You did and I apologise for that.”
The Court: “Now you’re hardly a picture yourself are you?”
Defendant: “Oh, no.
The Court: “No. You don’t work do you?”
Defendant: “No I don’t.”
The Court: “Right. You’re otherwise indolent aren’t you? Bone idle. Get it back off him. One: Outstanding fines $6244 remitted. Two: Substitution 300 hours’ community work. Work off your laughter in the cells while we get the order typed.”
Defendant: “Um –”
The Court: “In the cells.”
Defendant: “I do apologise for that.”
The Court: “Damage done Mr La Rue. Don’t give a toss.”
Judge Roberts was having a poor week when La Rue came before him back in January, with another defendant telling him to “hurry up and die”.
Maui Joseph Hauraki had been unhappy about the judge’s decision to deny his release from custody for unrelated charges.
He made a full apology and duty lawyer Kelly Marriner told the court the 27-year-old had not taken his medication that particular morning.
Prominent Taranaki defence solicitor Paul Keegan said Judge Roberts had followed the letter of the law in his sentencing of La Rue, who did not respond to an attempt to contact him on Monday.
“He has not dealt with him in any way that is unusual,” said Keegan, who is based in New Plymouth.
“Mr La Rue is not in contempt. Facebook comments are outside the court. There are no contempt issues.”
However, Facebook is becoming a “growing source” of court evidence, he said.
“People put their lives on Facebook and included in that there is sometimes material that police will find relevant in a prosecution.”
Text messages, for example, were very often used by police in building a case for prosecution.
“But it can also work both ways. It can assist a defendant in a prosecution. It may provide evidence to contradict a police case.”
Keegan said people needed to take more care online.
“It’s something that young people need to be aware of. When you post comments on an open Facebook page it can be read by anyone – and the person you’re making the comments about.”
Especially when the person you’re making comments about happens to be a judge.
Now you’ll note that the SMH attributes the story to Stuff.co.nz, when in fact the version to be found on the Stuff website was quite different and has subsequently been altered a number of times since LF tweeted our suspicions
Of course the SMH, as with all Fairfax’s Australian newspapers is edited in New Zealand, so the attribution is explainable, after all how many readers actually check the purported source for accuracy?
The SMH article raises questions in this paragraph:
La Rue found himself in New Plymouth District Court back in January, and although his case was reported at the time, the transcript handed to website The Spinoff shows the since-retired judge’s commendable patience – and understandable annoyance – with the defendant.
Now we are not sure what the staffers had read in “Spinoff” article that lead them to conclude that the judge had demonstrated “commendable patience” but whatever or wherever it was it now seems to have disappeared from the piece that remains available online
This is of course, as one would expect, given the facts of this case, as the judge had absolutely no reason to have been required to demonstrate “commendable patience”
There is a common theme throughout these Kiwi articles; that is the obvious intention to confuse the reader into believing that the comments which had actually been made on facebook were somehow unlawful or wrong.
So before we go any further here’s the bit that the MSM had not intended you, the readers to see, but were forced to print when they realised the game was up; although the journo does seem a little confused with the term “troll” and what behaviour actually defines one:
Taranaki Facebook troll’s sentence overturned on appeal
Last updated 14:55, April 20 2016
A judge who ordered a defendant to read out insulting comments he had made about him on Facebook during sentencing has been given a rap on the knuckles by the High Court of New Zealand.
Troy La Rue had called Judge Allan Roberts a “f****** c***” with a “saggy chin” on Facebook – hours before he found himself in the New Plymouth District Court over unpaid motoring fines worth more than $6000.
He was sentenced to 300 hours’ community service – but this was later cut on appeal because of questions about the way Judge Roberts reached his sentence.
The appeal decision has been praised by Megan Boyd, La Rue’s solicitor, but condemned by the Sensible Sentencing Trust.
At the original sentencing hearing, which took place in January, Judge Roberts asked La Rue: “Who are you talking about when you talk about, ‘The f****** old c*** with the saggy old chin’?”
“Well, I guess I’m talking to you, sir,” La Rue replied, according to a full transcript of their exchange. “And I, I don’t really know what to say about that but I do apologise.”
The details of their encounter were picked up by news outlets throughout the world – but the High Court was not laughing when the matter came before it on appeal last week.
“However amusing these exchanges may have been for the interested bystander, it is an inappropriate way to deal with a matter of unpaid fines,” said Justice Robert Dobson, who heard La Rue’s appeal.
“Predictably, counsel argued on the appeal that the judge set the number of hours community work, taking into account the irrelevant consideration of Mr La Rue’s derogatory comments about him.”
The appeal noted that the registrar’s report to the judge had endorsed “250?” hours of community work in the judge’s handwriting.
On the printed form, on which the judge records the outcome, the figure of 275 featured – but according to the appeal report this was crossed out and replaced with the figure of 300.
Megan Boyd, who represented La Rue, argued that either 250 or 275 hours were appropriate, but the 300 figure was decided while Judge Roberts, who has since retired, was dealing with the matter.
Justice Dobson conceded this was a “reasonable possibility”.
“It therefore adds weight to the criticism that the judge was diverted from a relevant analysis of the appropriate substitute sentence by Mr La Rue’s Facebook criticism of him.
“That concern is more than sufficient to justify revisiting what the appropriate sentence should be.”
Justice Dobson decided that La Rue, who is on benefits and who had made no payments since his last community work sentence in May 2014, was subject to “some leniency” because of the “overbearing way in which the matter was dealt with in the district court”.
He quashed the sentence of 300 hours community service and replaced it with an order for La Rue to complete 200 hours.
La Rue, who has no disposable income and who was described by Judge Roberts as “bone idle”, saw his outstanding fines of $6,244 dropped in return for the community service.
In the wake of the verdict, Megan Boyd she was “pleased” with the outcome.
“I think that when you put people in positions of power you are entitled to expect the best standards of behaviour from them and that things are not taken personally,” she said.
But the appeal court’s decision was criticised by the Sensible Sentencing Trust, which said it sent out a signal to offenders that they could say what they liked without consequence.
“We need more judges like the judge who gave the original sentence,” trust spokesman Garth McVicar said.
“No wonder New Zealand has such a high level of offending.”
McVicar said the sentence rewarded an offender for making a mockery of the law.
“The judge is the one that’s ended up getting smacked on the knuckles.”
Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/79127961/taranaki-facebook-trolls-sentence-overturned-on-appeal
The truth is that Mr LaRue was in court not on a criminal matter, he had not been charged with a crime, he was in court, summond to attend a general session where he was to be examined on his ability to pay some outstanding fines, where it was to be decided how a minor “civil” matter, a debt that LaRue had incurred through the non-payment of parking fines should be addressed.
Clearly LaRue had made submissions, advising the judge that he was not in a possession to pay the fines. It should therefore have been a relatively easy step for the judge to have either ordered that LaRue enter into a time payment arrangement with the Court or some sort of agreed community service order be imposed in lieu of a repayment of the debt.
It is at this point, where the judge agrees to impose a community service order, which arguably must have been LaRue’s preferred option, that the judge then enters into his unsolicited rant about an alleged Facebook post.
Now here’s the rub. The judge had absolutely no legal or moral right to raise this issue. Not only was LaRue not present as a defendant in a criminal proceeding, nor had any contempt of court occurred, he was there to sort out a civil debt.
In fact LaRue had been completely within his legal and civil rights to post a criticism of Alan Robertson on Facebook. The judge may have disliked the comments, but as with everyone else Roberts was required to either ignore the comments or if he felt his reputation had been impugned, file some sort of civil proceeding for relief; but only if the comments had been defamatory, or not a genuinely held belief.
History in fact now proves Troy LaRue’s comments completely correct, not only does the now retired judge have a saggy old chin, he is in fact a Fucking Old Cunt, the sort of CUNT that misuses a position of power to walk all over the civil rights of others, particularly anyone who’s been critical of his own behaviour.
So now, lets go back to where this all started, the blog post written by Tim Murphy. Murphy opined:
What happens when you appear before a judge you called a cunt on Facebook?
April 18th 2016
Tim Murphy brings you perhaps the finest court transcript in New Zealand’s long and glorious judicial history.
On January 12 2016 Taranaki Judge Allan Roberts announced his retirement, as reported by the Taranaki Daily News. A man named Troy LaRue found the story on social media, and made an uncomplimentary remark about Roberts’ appearance. Unluckily, he was summonsed to the court for unpaid traffic fines a few days later. Sitting at the bench that day? Judge Roberts.
The following is the previously unpublished transcript of proceedings from the New Plymouth District Court on January 21. Judge Roberts, one week before he retired from the bench, takes the opportunity to make Troy William Henry LaRue face up to his (Facebook) crimes, in what may go down as the second-greatest New Zealand crime story of the year.
Now Murphy makes a number of mistakes, errors of fact, in his blog post. For example:
“A man named Troy LaRue found the story on social media, and made an uncomplimentary remark about Roberts’ appearance. Unluckily, he was summonsed to the court for unpaid traffic fines a few days later.”
Now to us, reading LaRue’s Facebook comment, it seems that the comment may have, in a roundabout way, actually noted the fact that LaRue had already received a summons to attend court; by the looks of it at some time before the following Friday:
“LOL I hope the fuckers gone by Friday, Ha ha, nah fuckin cunt whose old face and saggy chin. Fuck off” -Troy LaRue
LaRue’s Facebook comment is date-stamped Tuesday, January 12th 2016 and according to the Taranaki Daily News, at the time, dated Thursday 21st January 2016 and the judges sentencing own notes, LaRue was to appear the following week. Allowing for correct service of the summons LaRue undoubtedly knew when he was due to appear in court before Roberts.
That then brings us to the issue of context. None of the MSM’s so-called reporting provides the reader with any context surrounding the existence of the Facebook comment.
Why did LaRue comment? Whilst it was obviously a thread on a Facebook page, other than his own, a page that was in fact discussing this particular Judge, no mention or explination of this page has been provided. Our guess is that the page is one of the many Facebook sites dedicated to exposing New Zealand corruption; in particular police and court abuses. We have arrived at this conclusion because the comment had to have been located on a page that was under New Zealand police surveillance. We further believe that it was the New Zealand Police that provided the Court Registrar with the information that was then passed to the judge (the local Crown solicitors may also have been involved as an intermeidary).
Clearly, reading the comment, LaRue had hoped that he would not have to deal with Alan Roberts DCJ; arguably for good reason, the judge has quite a reputation locally and online for being overbearing arrogant and not a particularly good listener. He also has a reputation among defence lawyers.
All of which, reading the court transcript, seems to have been ultimately sustained by the judges serious abuse of process and legal precedent in this case.
Now the other thing the SMH version of the Fairfax article picked up on was the fact that this case had in fact been covered before, back in January 2016, four months prior.
As noted above the Taranaki Daily News had covered both Roberts retirement and the sentencing of LaRue:
Taranaki man confronted in court over abusive Facebook post
January 21st, 2016
Troy LaRue got more than he bargained for when he appeared in court on Thursday for failing to pay his fines.
Judge Allan Roberts asked a court registrar to show LaRue a printed copy of the abusive comment he recently posted on a Facebook page.
The post was linked to a Stuff article about Roberts’ pending retirement from the bench.
Roberts demanded LaRue read out what he had written to the rest of the New Plymouth District Court gallery.
The expletive riddled post outlined how LaRue would be glad to see the back of Roberts and included a reference for the long-serving judge to “f*** off.”
Roberts told the defendant he had been alerted to the Facebook comment by court staff.
“I don’t read that drivel,” he said.
In explanation, a dumbfounded LaRue told Roberts he had been drunk at the time he wrote the post.
“I don’t know what to say about that but I do apologise,” he said.
After his dressing down, LaRue was ordered to do 300 hours of community work. As a result his $6,244 in fines were remitted.
So why then, if this story had already been reported once, done to death in fact, did our mate, ex NZ Herald editor Tim Murphy think that it was worth a re-run?
There is certainly no orthodox reason that we can think of.
So as far as we can see what has really happened here is that the Ministry of Justice were behind the articles. The MoJ knew that the appeal had been successful, no doubt a week or more before the High Court released its decision. Certainly the decision was not available on the MoJ website, despite it being very much in the public interest.
The appeal had been successful, with the judge being admonished for his behavior; but by no means hard enough as far as we are concerned. The High Court in our view has been overly kind to this judge…..as was only to be expected of a New Zealand Court.
The appeal having been decided in favour of LaRue, the Ministry of Justice had a big problem, an ex judge had just been slammed by a superior court for prejudicial behaviour, in circumstance where he should clearly have recused himself.

Central Otago Judge Kevin Phillips DCJ, another wrinkly old cunt that should have recused himself, but didn’t
Now Roberts is not the only judge who has been guilty of this behavior. Other District Court Judges are guilty of the same prejudice during trials and at sentencing. Central Otago District Court Judge Kevin Phillips is but one example, guilty of exactly the same behavior, as are many others, each case gloated over by a subservient sycophantic mainstream media; journo’s who write the same sort of prejudicial crap as Tim Murphy and his mates have just penned on LaRue.
Did Colourful Judge’s 2012 “Facebooking” constitute a conflict of interest
These Kiwi newspaper stories always raise more questions than they actually provide answers, not surprising really given that the role of these articles is never to inform, but rather to misinform the New Zealand public.
In the LaRue case he has been successful on appeal, he obviously had a smarter than average conscientious lawyer representing his interests. There are however many other New Zealanders who have not been quite so fortunate.
In this case some of the unanswered questions are:
- Who was it that supplied Tim Murphy with a copy of Robertson notes on sentencing? These are normally only made available to entitled lawyers, their clients or court reporters under certain circumstances.
- Then there is the obvious, why now? What does Murphy add to an old story that was publish in January? Well nothing really, so there has to have been another motive.
Given the circumstances we here at LF are of the view that Ministry of Justice spin-doctors, knowing that Judge Robertson was about to receive a very public hiding online with the imminent release of the High Court appeal Judgement, contacted the Mainstream media.
It was probably then decided that it would be far too obvious for either the New Zealand Herald or a Fairfax papers to run a negative piece on Troy LaRue, especially with the time constraints involved, the fact that they had already run a piece four months prior.
Then it must have been thought a good idea to hand Tim Murphy, in his incarnation as a Kiwi blogger, the story so that he could run it again on his blog, after all no one would question a blogger doing the piece.
At this point both Fairfax and the New Zealand Herald would then be able to latch on to Murphy’s blog post as the reason for re-publishing the material.
La Rue found himself in New Plymouth District Court back in January, and although his case was reported at the time………the transcript handed to website The Spinoff
Which in turn would service the core need at the center of this Machiavellian plot; to take the heat off the appalling behavior of judge Allan Robertson, in what was a gross misuse of his office to obtain a very public advantage….REVENGE! Of course this was the sort of revenge that the New Zealand Media have always obviously been only to happy to assist with.
Tim Murphy for his part in this subterfuge should be ashamed of himself. Frankly he should now be written off, any credibility he may have had has been destroyed, in the gutter with the likes of Lynn Prentice and Pete George.
In fact many of Murphys own regular followers, those who had read his post, judging by the comments immediately knew what had transpired, that the judge had misused his office, should have recused, and probably wondered why Murphy had bothered.
In fact reading through the comments just serves to further establish how ignorant NewZealanders are of their civil rights.
This then brings us to one final issue, the rather important matter of the judge having imprisoned Troy LaRue.
Remember, based on all of the available facts, LaRue had not committed any criminal offence. Nor had he been ruled in contempt of court, that wasn’t in fact available to the judge and he knew it. All Troy LaRue had done was fail to pay parking fines. He had otherwise complied with the court summons, he was at all times polite and compliant whilst in court, there had been absolutely no reason for what was about to unfold.
So then, under what statute or authority did the judge consider it was his lawful right to forcibly detain LaRue in the court cells? What was the judge thinking when he thought it his god given right to imprison LaRue?
Our view is simple, that Judge Roberts is not only guilty of prejudice, as has been sustained by the High Court, but that he is also guilty of false imprisonment, having unlawfully detained Troy LaRue for no other reason than his own malice.
That then brings us to the Sensible Sentencing mob, their half-arsed spurious opinions which are always sought out in these cases, and Paul Keegan, a local Defence Lawyer who should have known better than to bother saying anything to a Kiwi Journo.
Keegan first. It seems that either he was mislead by the journo who telephoned seeking his opinion, he was in on the scam, or he’d had a serious brain-fart immediately prior to describing LaRue as a “defendant”.
We’ll say it again, LaRue was not facing criminal charges, he had merely been summoned to appear before the court for an examination of his ability to pay parking fines;
Prominent Taranaki defence solicitor Paul Keegan said Judge Roberts had followed the letter of the law in his sentencing of La Rue, who did not respond to an attempt to contact him on Monday.
“He has not dealt with him in any way that is unusual,” said Keegan, who is based in New Plymouth.
“Mr La Rue is not in contempt. Facebook comments are outside the court. There are no contempt issues.”
However, Facebook is becoming a “growing source” of court evidence, he said.
“People put their lives on Facebook and included in that there is sometimes material that police will find relevant in a prosecution.”
Text messages, for example, were very often used by police in building a case for prosecution.
“But it can also work both ways. It can assist a defendant in a prosecution. It may provide evidence to contradict a police case.”
Keegan said people needed to take more care online.
“It’s something that young people need to be aware of. When you post comments on an open Facebook page it can be read by anyone – and the person you’re making the comments about.”
Especially when the person you’re making comments about happens to be a judge.
What becomes clear in amongst this crap, all penned by Kiwi Journo’s, is that they have deliberately set out to mislead the New Zealand public, not only on the matter of LaRue’s successful appeal, but also on the matter of civil rights, in particular the right to “Free speech”.
At no point during the above case did any of the opinions expressed by Keegan apply, Keegans views, excluding his admission that no contempt had been committed, are complete and utter horseshoe, and unworthy of competent legal counsel.
That then leaves Garth McVicar, the Circus act that dumped the Sensible Sentencing Trust (SST) when the grass looked so much greener on the political side of the fence; thinking he had half a chance at becoming an MP:
“But the appeal court’s decision was criticised by the Sensible Sentencing Trust, which said it sent out a signal to offenders that they could say what they liked without consequence.
“We need more judges like the judge who gave the original sentence,” trust spokesman Garth McVicar said.
“No wonder New Zealand has such a high level of offending.”
McVicar said the sentence rewarded an offender for making a mockery of the law.
“The judge is the one that’s ended up getting smacked on the knuckles.”
McVicar is clearly a complete fuckwit, calling the successful applicant LaRue “the offender”. We’ll say it again, just for McVicars benefit, just in case the silly CUNt opens his gob again and gets himself sued for defamation; LaRue has not committed any criminal offence, he is not an “Offender” nor did he commit any contempt of court. LaRue was simply exercising his civil rights, and his right to free speech.

SST’s Garth McVicar, a man who has a higher regard for his own opinion and worth than almost anyone else actually does
The only people guilty of contempt are those who signed up to play a part in this little “get the judge out of the shit” scam.
New Zealanders ought to be furious with those who participated, but being the mugs they are………….Wake up New Zealand!
If by chance Troy LaRue does get to read this post, or another reader knows him, our advice….go after the journalists and the papers involved in this scam
Man apologises to retiring Taranaki judge for bad behaviour
Judge criticises government ‘anti-prison’ policy
Long-serving judge to be freed from Taranaki’s criminal courts
Pat below seems out of step. For Pat’s sake, whether LaRue wasn’t able to pay his fines is not the issue; many lawyers would have jumped at the chance to take this case on pro bono when they read what the stupid cunt of a judge had said and done.
It was from the outset one of those rare cases that is a sure fire winner, mainly thanks to the judge and his media mates very public and ill-advised gloating.
It’s just a shame that the High Court seriously diluted the judges offending, glossed over LaRue’s wrongful imprisonment and let the bastard judge off with a wet bus ticket slap………hey what can we say, it is still New Zealand after all!
Pat is clearly out of step. A Judge using a mans opinion on Facebook to sentence him – what a crock of shit. Then again freedom of speech is a problem here in NZ
Just another arrogant wanker in job he’s not suited to as he loves to abuse his position with the power he wields – just like Paul Barber from the READT. Who incidentally resigned on March 18. No doubt to escape the impending crisis at the READT over a particular case he interfered with. Not to mention of course he was not actually a Judge, but just a pissed old fuckwit out of his depth. No doubt the effort of you guys at LF and latterly by the NZ blog site Whale Oil, who picked up your investigative stories, made sure the public was alerted to what was happening. I bet the ramifications all the way up to Nathan Guy, Anne Tolley, and others will be huge. Oh and not forgetting dodgy bent cop Peter Slitherland
hi guys check out behave.govt.nz Appointments to REAA. Judge Paul Barber has retired gone allegedly for health Reasons. He’s the drunk judge who isn’t a judge…….go figure
dud Judges all round! I see Paul Barber from the READT was sacked back in March – guess your stories on him were true. No surprise there as you guys seem to call it months in advance!
Why am I not surprised…
For a bloke who has no money to pay fines, fines which it appears there are no questions as to the validity of it appears LaRue has plenty of wonga to pay for clever defence lawyers