Alastair Thompson and scoop.co.nz, victims of Rachinger’s “social engineering” or the “Streisand Effect”? Whatever the cause thousands more New Zealander’s now know what Mike Sabin is accused of.
“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.” – Mahatma Gandhi
On April 21 2015 Lauda Finem received information that so-called cyber activist Benjamin Rachinger had been arrested by police around a month earlier, on or about the 18th March 2015. Rachinger had first come to the attention of Lauda Finem staffers in December 2014 when he had started following us on twitter. Over a very brief period Rachinger’s behaviour triggered a number of what we here at LF call “red flag’s” and so he subsequently became a candidate for observation and profiling, we propose to explain this in a little more detail a little later for readers unfamiliar with LF’s psychological profiling and online strategies. The information LF received was simple enough and it was supported by another news source, funnily enough also confirmed earlier by Rachinger, before he executed his sudden U-Turn:
Team LF were not specific about the date of Rachinger’s alleged arrest for a very good reason, that reason being directly connected to LF’s ongoing investigation of Rachinger himself and his online activities, our reasons will become clear later in the post
Without being aware of it Benjamin Stephen Rachinger had in fact become the target of a Lauda Finem operation in December 2014 and it had nothing whatsoever to do with Rawshark or Slater. During the execution of that investigation LF had managed to build up a comprehensive profile and had concluded that Rachinger and more importantly his new associates and online antics were of serious concern, they needed to be monitored carefully.
So who is Benjamin Stephen Rachinger? Rachinger now aged 27, grew up in the New Zealand seaside community of Tauranga (Mt Maunganui), as a child he attended Mt Maunganui Primary school and a variety of High schools. In his teens Rachinger moved to Auckland where he appears to have lived with his mother Noeline, his sister Jaimee (8 years his junior) and what seems to have been his mothers second partner. Rachinger’s parents marriage may have collapsed at some point earlier with Rachinger”s father remaining in Tauranga.
This information was retrieved from public record, again with documents freely available online, some retrieved from the New Zealand companies office where Benjiman Stephen Rachinger and Noeline Evelyn Rachinger are both listed as directors and share holders of various corporate entities, both also registered as residing at the same address, 92 Paritai Drive, Orakei – a high-end harbour-side inner Auckland suburb.
Noelene Rachinger skipped New Zealand with her partner Alan Blackwell back in 2007 -2008 when the companies she and Blackwell had traded (listed above) collapsed, in the process leaving substantial debts owing to creditors, at least one of which was an ex employee. Whilst this was not widely reported at the time, at least not in Auckland, the Otago Daily Time’s ran a small piece covering a legal proceeding, investigation and attempts to collect on a judgement against the pair, The attitude of Benjamin Rachinger’s guardian says a lot:
Sacked woman gets $17,000 for unjustified dismissal
Thu, 12 Mar 2009A woman sacked three weeks into a job as a personal assistant has been awarded almost $17,000 for unfair dismissal.
Yurinda van der Bel was fired by the now defunct Kids Art Space in August 2007 for not sending out a DVD on time and typing incorrect identifier codes onto letters sent to clients.
Employment Relations Authority member Alastair Dumbleton, sitting in Auckland, found Kids Art Space had dismissed Ms van der Bel unfairly because it did not give her a three-month trial period.
Kids Art Space was ordered to pay Ms van der Bel nearly $10,000 in lost wages and $7000 compensation for illness she suffered because of her sacking.
The employer did not attend the authority’s investigation meeting.
Director Alan Blackwell told the authority he and fellow director Noeline Rachinger had no intention of returning from the United States for the investigation.
He said Kids Art Space had stopped trading and had no assets.
Source: http://www.odt.co.nz/news/national/47161/sacked-woman-gets-17000-unjustified-dismissal
It would seem that Mr Blackwell very likely played a key role in staring the young Rachinger toward computer science, in particular coding of sorts. The Rachinger’s New Zealand Companies Office records show an association with a number of individuals, companies and trusts that make for very interesting reading. They are associations that need to be explored further by the affected individuals who are located in New Zealand:
Benjamin Stephen RACHINGER, 92 Paritai Drive, Orakei, Auckland, 1071 , New Zealand
Mohamed Nadir KHEIR, 6 Solstone Place, Flat Bush, Auckland, 2016 , New Zealand
Thomas Paton SMITH, 42 Bruntwood Drive, Rd 2, Tauranga, 3172 , New Zealand
Nicholas Allen MCCAW, 321 Creightons Road, Rd 2, Papakura, 2582 , New Zealand
SV LIMITED c/o 262 Clevedon-kawakawa Road, Rd 5, Papakura, 2585 , New Zealand
Paul Graeme GIBBARD, 262 Clevedon-kawakawa Road, Rd 5, Papakura, 2585 , New Zealand
Allen John MCCAW, Milburn, Rd 2, Milton, 9230 , New Zealand
Ismay Mary JOHNSTON, 321 Creightons Road, Rd 2, Papakura, 2582 , New Zealand
DE MONCHY TRUSTEE SERVICES LIMITED, 262 Clevedon-kawakawa Road, Rd 5, Papakura, 2585 , New Zealand
John Benjamin DE MONCHY, 1 Harper Street, Chatswood, Auckland, 0626 , New Zealand
Carol Gerta DE MONCHY, 262 Clevedon-kawakawa Road, Rd 5, Papakura, 2585 , New Zealand
Rachinger and Blackwell despite having skipped New Zealand for the United States in 2007-2008 now seem to be back in the land of the long black smoking gun, having only just last year entered their new “St Heliers” property in the Resene paints house of the year award, they actually managed to win house of the month:
go with the flow
Noelene Rachinger and Alan Blackman recently set about painting their entire
St Heliers, Auckland home in a range of Resene colours. They drew inspiration
from their bold furnishings and artwork, repeating splashes of red, in the bar stools and bedlinen, throughout the house. They kept the look classic in the downstairs living room and kitchen, painted in Resene ‘Rakaia’, echoed by the exterior of the
home in Resene ‘Chicago’ and Resene ‘Half Alabaster’, creating seamless flow from inside to out. “We wanted to use colours that we loved and mix them with colours that would appeal to others,” says Noelene.Upstairs is where the fun begins, with the guest bedroom treated to lashings of Resene ‘Pirate’. “The bedroom is the first thing you see when you walk up the stairs and we wanted a wow-factor,” says Noelene.
Source: http://www.resene.co.nz/competition/home-and-garden/pdf/14_Feb.pdf
At the risk of again being labelled an “attack blog” by the trolls that are now roaming cyberspace, spinning fables and misinformation, it seems to us that the need to grab the “wow factor” and of course with it the lime light seems to be a personality trait shared by the entire Rachinger family.
Our assessment of Rachinger’s personality is unremarkable given what is now unfolding – that Rachinger is the product of a privileged background, albeit having met with some minor domestic turmoil along the way, as have many others far less privileged New Zealanders. As a result, on the available evidence, we suspect that Rachinger has an over developed sense of self-entitlement, is prone to pathological, often maladjusted, behaviour such as exaggeration with delusions of grandeur, he presents as an person who exhibits symptoms consistent with NPD, exhibiting a comorbidity with a number of other personality disorders (DSM-IV-TR) – all of which could well explain the behaviours that are now being acted out. Rachinger’s claimed midrange hearing loss is by far the least of his true disabilities.

Third row fron front, third child from left, Benjiman Stephen Rachinger, the boy dreamed of being James Bond
Of course LF’s profiling of Rachinger is far more extensive, all of which will in time be provided for others to investigate further – all of which we have little, if any, doubt will be used in legal proceedings in the very near future.
Rachinger’s explanation
The picture that Benjiman Rachinger is now painting for his cyber fan club, and of course the many political troll’s advancing his rhetoric, are to be found in the instalments below:
The Hacker and all the PMs Men (Part One)
The Hacker and all the PMs Men (Part Two)
The Hacker and all the PMs Men (Part Three)
The Hacker and all the PMs Men (Part Four)
The Hacker and all the PMs Men (Part Five)
The Hacker and all the PMs Men (Part Six)
The Hacker and all the PMs Men (Part Seven)
The Hacker and all the PMs Men (Part Eight)
The Hacker and all the PMs Men (Part Nine)
K.I.S.S – Keep it simple stupid
Team LF normally like to keep things simple, at least when the facts permit such simplicity. It is for this reason that we do not propose to say to much about the allegations Rachinger is levelling at Kiwi Blogger Cameron Slater. We will however say this much. At no point have LF ever had any contact with Cameron Slater. We have defended the man over the defamation tort brought by Matthew John Blomfield, that fact is very much on public record and worth noting at this point as it does have a relationship with the events currently unfolding.

Has Cameron Slater falsely accused and used as a scapegoat in this another seriously corrupt police operation?
LF has no political agenda, we are neither of the left in politics, nor the right. We have been highly critical of both and are subsequently despised by political parties of left and right factions. We certainly do not support a political party in New Zealand. We are primarily an anti corruption group with a focus on New Zealand, in that regards we do not support Cameron Slater, nor do we an anyway endorse his political view’s. Of course the idiots at the Standard are now, true to form, attempting to spin their own warped perspective, anything it takes to hit Slater?
Footnote – No member of the group collectively known as Lauda Finem have never meet Lynn Prentice, nor have we set foot in a New Zealand courtroom. Prentice’s repeated and deliberately false allegations will undoubtedly come back to haunt him some day soon. Source: http://thestandard.org.nz/rachinger-on-dirty-politics-2/#comment-1009225
The attempts that are now unfolding to paint a different picture are in our opinion little more than a diversion, or as the the Standard put it themselves a few days ago, “Smoke and Mirrors”. Funnilly enough both Lynn Prentice and Greg Presland seem now to be leading the charge, smoke machines in hand.
From team LF’s perspective Rachinger’s adjoining Slater and “all the PM’s men” to what we believe was a very simple conspiracy is little more than an elaborate smoke screen, a hoax designed to take the New Zealand publics eye of the ball that is actually in play.
Rachinger has alleged that he was engaged by the New Zealand police to aid with the investigation of the now infamous “RawShark” hack of Cameron Slater’s website and various online accounts including Facebook. LF believes that this claim is misleading in the extreme for a number of very good reasons. Whilst we don’t intend focusing on the current fixation that is deliberately being promoted around Cameron Slater we will briefly touch on a couple of important facts.

From left, Lynn Prentice and Greg Presland, two Labour party farts helping to give Kiwi politics a filthy name.
LF has managed to establish with certainty that Benjamin Rachinger first contacted Cameron Slater on the 3rd of December 2013 via Google+, before the Rawshark hack. We know this because we simply had someone ask the question and then requested the evidence, which was later supplied. We also now know that Rachinger did not contact Slater again until the 25th June 2014, some six months later and after the Rawshark hack, that contact made via email.
It must be pointed out at this point that Slater was then, and remains, of the view that Rachinger had played an active role in the so-called “RawShark” hack. We here at Lauda Finem however have no opinion either way, simply because we have not investigated the matter ourselves, nor do we intend to – our only interest in Mr Slater to date having been the aforementioned Blomfield matter, where we firmly stand in support of all journalists sources and whistle-blowers right to anonymity.
Slater was again contacted by Rachinger on the 13th August 2014, that contact also made via email with request from Rachinger suggestive of a collaboration with Slater.
So far it seems to us that Rachinger has not provided one piece of evidence enough to implicate Slater in any wrong-doing. What he has provided could in fact quite easily be explained when seen in another light. Of course many in New Zealand have a seriously bad habit of rushing to judgement, more often than not using limited facts filtered through their own prejudices.
LF suspects that readers can discount episodes one – ten of Rachinger’s story, in fact they may as well be thrown in the garbage, where all bad fiction belongs.
The real story of Rachinger’s cyber adventures begins with installment number eleven, at paragraph eleven. Rachinger opines:
I did not and have not done the hacking of ‘The Standard’. Upon the date of Parliament opening and the hack not having been completed, which had caused Slater’s funder to have flown up to Auckland and leave empty-handed, Slater began to get very upset about not having the hacked information.
I had been keeping substantial records of interactions between all parties as a matter of diligence.
The NZ Police asked me to come into the Manakau Police Station and make a recorded statement about the alleged conspiracy to hack ‘The Standard’. I consented to doing this interview on my own and without a lawyer present.
This interview took place over 2 hours with a few 5 minute breaks. I was asked repeatedly if I had done the hack, about my computing/network security skills and what had lead me to be in contact with Mr Slater.
I was sure to tell the Police that Slater had, in messages, talked about owning multiple firearms, meeting organized crime gang members regularly and had powerful backers/funders.
The decision to go to the Police and make a statement was prompted by my awareness I was in ‘Deep’ with very dangerous and angry people.
The Police took my devices, with my consent, for cloning. My devices, Smartphone/Tablet/Laptop were sent to the Dunedin Electronic Crime Laboratory for cloning. This process took a month. I then had my devices returned to me by the Detectives and asked additional questions about the evidence.
I have heard from the Police subsequently and it is my understanding the Police are very keen to interview Mr Slater about the evidence I have provided them.
I have faith that the Police are free of political pressure and interference and are processing my evidence.
This is complicated by the swirling rumours that I am ‘Rawshark’. This has been pushed by the attack blog “Lauda Finem”.
Link to the LF article here-
I have not been arrested by the Police.
I have been receiving death threats and have had family members called and have had them threatened.
I can only hope that justice and a free press still prevails in New Zealand.
Source: https://medium.com/@benrachinger/the-hacker-and-all-the-pms-men-part-eleven-2f3322a0b22a
Of course Rachinger could not have known that his cover had been blown back in December 2014 when an LF member red-flagged a number of his unsolicited tweets. Rachinger himself only realised that his cover had been blown on March 10 when he tweeted Lauda Finem. Now this is where dates and chronologies are critical. In fact Rachinger in his accounts is rather loose with his chronology and for very good reason – he does not want to put to much on the public record.
Rachinger was never a New Zealand police operative as he has claimed. Lauda Finem knows the identity of the people behind the operation, Rachinger’s employers so to speak. Team LF are also aware that Rachinger has undoubtedly sworn a false police statement, a statement that led to the making of a series of false allegations which the police who were involved in the plan then quite happily used to issue false criminal informations.
In fact the New Zealand Herald and Lynn Prentice’s blog the Standard (below) reported and revelled in those false allegations around the same time as Rachinger’s tweet to LF on the 10 April 2015.
Blogger on breaching name suppression charges gets name suppression
Written By: MICKYSAVAGE – Date published: 11:54 am, April 10th, 2015
You may have to read the headline twice. And whoever he is should hand in his blogger’s union card. From the Herald:A blogger accused of breaching a high-profile name suppression has been granted name suppression himself.
The 51-year-old appeared in Auckland District Court today facing two charges of contravening suppression orders made by Justice Helen Winkelmann – the former chief High Court judge, newly appointed to the Court of Appeal.
The Auckland-based blogger, who writes about corruption in New Zealand, is also charged with five counts of criminal harassment.
The complainants include a politician, civil servants, a real estate agent and the former partner of an Auckland businessman – all of whom feature prominently on his website.
It is alleged that both in August and December last year, the defendant named and posted photographs of two teens involved in a high-profile attack that left another teenager dead.
Their names and images, which were specifically suppressed by Justice Winkelmann at sentencing in the High Court at Auckland, are still up on the blog.
This person is in major risk of the Streisand effect kicking in.
Please note suppression orders are in place. There should be no Speculation on who this blogger is although it took me about five seconds to work out who he is.
Source: http://thestandard.org.nz/blogger-on-breaching-name-suppression-charges-gets-name-suppression/
The New Zealand Herald’s article seems to have been pulled from the papers website.
Rachinger has in fact very likely made a false statement that has almost certainly enabled the New Zealand police to knowingly make additional false statements and declarations before both New Zealand courts and United States law enforcement authorities, designed specifically to corruptly facilitate the release of Lauda Finem’s private records.
The only problem for Rachinger and his co-conspirators is that the information, if obtained, will do absolutely nothing to assist the New Zealand police’s false prosecution. This in turn will undoubtedly lead to civil action against the New Zealand police, the newspapers and blogs which printed material defamatory in nature and of course the group who employed Rachinger. Lauda Finem will be naming those we suspect were responsible later in this post
Of course Rachinger and his co-conspirator’s are now busy trying to manufacture a cyber free-for-all, one that they no doubt sincerely hope will muddy the waters a little – assisting with their attempts to now bury the evidence, a chance to rewrite history so to speak.
“Social engineering is my real core skill. It’s what I use twitter for” – Benjamin Stephen Rachinger
Unfortunately for the cabal that option was never really available, all because young Master Benjamin Rachinger had been far to enthusiastic, cock-sure in fact, with his “social engineering” skill set (see NPD). But it’s not all Rachinger’s fault. The New Zealand police and the others that were a party to the conspiracy had acted on little more than an incorrect hunch, again based on little more than internet myth, all a huge gamble that has now gone seriously WRONG.
If LF is correct we suspect that Rachinger will likely now again put those “twitter social engineering skills” to good use, going hammer and tongs to further muddie the waters.
Sure Rachinger and his employers can create a little noise on twitter but at the end of the day absolutely everything that Rachinger has done is fully discoverable (the NZ police now being legally obliged to disclose absolutely everything to the defence) by the person who has been falsely accused.
There is of course a simple explanation for the New Zealand Herald not running the article the standard gloated about, the information they had likely been given by Rachinger never checked out, that and their lawyers had already been put on notice. There is also a reason why the Standard haven’t really wanted to touch the story either, again it was just too risky. In the Standards case LF suspects there decision not to publish Rachinger may have been to little to late
The Rachinger scam
Last year Lauda Finem posted a story wherein we named two young rugby players who had we believe be allowed to walk away from a murder charge because of a corrupt police investigation. The New Zealand police did not like what we had exposed so they did there best to shut Lauda Finem down. Their efforts included formal police documents which fell into Lauda Finem’s hands, as things tend to.
Prior to that however a number of people who have featured in Lauda Finem stories falsified documents and made various police complaints, again designed to have Lauda Finem pulled down. Again they were unsuccessful, but on that occasion those involved were caught red-handed in the conspiracy. Team LF are aware that there are plans to charge at least two of the conspirator’s with criminal offences.
Team LF believes that these same groups, including disgraced ex-cops and serving New Zealand police officers from the Manukau Counties police district and West Auckland districts were the individuals behind Benjamin Rachinger’s role as a so-called police operative.
So to recap on the important issues. The New Zealand police had failed to obtain the identities of Team LF, despite attempting to convince the US authorities that the owners had committed a crime under New Zealand law. The reason they failed is that Lauda Finem is not published from New Zealand as they had only surmised and thus falsely alleged, it was and is published from both Australia and the Netherlands. The New Zealand Police’s first failed unlawful attempt was executed on or about September 25 2014 (see exhibit below).
The earlier attempt by Matthew John Blomfield, Daniel Toresen, his bent ex-cop father, Dan Thompson and employee Mike Gilliam was attempted on or about December 13, 2013, LF publically exposing the plot on July 18 2014, when again documents fell into our hands (see exhibit below).
Then in December 2014 LF exposed National Party MP Mike Sabin and john Key for concealing the fact that Sabin had been investigated and charged with serious sexual offending, a corruption story we continue to report on.
The fact is that no laws had been broken in New Zealand, in fact LF had broken no laws anywhere and that was an insurmountable hurdle for the New Zealand police and others who desperately wanted LF closed down. Of course we here at LF were well aware that there would be other attempts by the various player we have named as corrupt over the years, the New Zealand police we’re top on that list. We also suspected that the New Zealand Police and the ex-cops, Thompson, Toresen and Gillam may join forces.
Thompson & Toresen employee Mike Gillam was top on our watch list as he has quite the history when it comes to “social engineering”, in fact Gillam, in our estimation, fits a very similar profile to Rachinger, which is not surprising given that they are similar ages, likely knew each other having been raised in the same area in Tauranga and having both attended Tauranga’s Bethlehem College, very likely at around the same time.
Kiwi’s close shave in $240m global scam
5:30 AM Saturday Feb 15, 2014The company director hired private investigation firm Thompson & Toresen to research the proposed deal. The investigators warned him that their inquiries confirmed the deal was a scam and to cease all contact immediately.
Despite the warning, the businessman thought the risk was worthwhile and decided to travel to the Netherlands. However, he was persuaded to take Mike Gillam, a senior Thompson & Toresen investigator, as security.
While waiting to meet Kennedy in Amsterdam, Mr Gillam finally managed to persuade him the deal was a scam and to make a complaint to Dutch police.
Source: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11202526
In short the only way that the New Zealand police were going to be able to legally gain access to Lauda Finem’s records was if they could manufacture a specific crime that crossed international jurisdiction, or alleged that a crime had been committed, again preferably one that transcended international jurisdictions.
That’s where an idiot was required, and where one does comes into frame. Neither the New Zealand police nor the clowns from Thompson and Toresen would risk being directly connected to the scam, it was illegal, so they needed a complete patsy, someone who they could throw under a passing bus if the plan turned to shit. Someone that was very easily manipulated……..enter Benjamin Stephen Rachinger.

Two tits and a thug, the team LF suspect were the architects behind Benjamin Rachinger’s Jason Bourne fantasy, ex cops Dan Thompson, his extremely bent son Danial Toresen and Ben’s police minder.
There was never a police handler involved as Rachinger has claimed, Rachinger may not have been fully aware of the plan but he was certainly a party to it. He may in fact have been conned into believing that his contact was a police handler, who knows it could well have been Mike Gillam who played the role for Rachinger’s benefit….but it was very unlikely to have been a genuine police officer? The police would have been required to speak up before now and Rachinger would not be attempting to explain away his participation.
The plan was simple, all it called for was for Rachinger to befriend who they incorrectly believed was the one individual behind the Lauda Finem website using twitter, – that was their first mistake. The second stage involved attempting to establish a trigger. The third stage then called for a corrupt police speciality, it’s more often than not called “entrapment”, causing the target to unwittingly commit a criminal offence.
Now their plan might just have worked given certain conditions First had LF actually been just one person, that person being legally ignorant or a complete fuckwit. Second, had Rachinger been anyone other than Rachinger! But in the end. it still would not have given the idiots the result they had expected and in fact needed.
So here’s how Benjamin Rachinger attempted to corruptly entrap Lauda Finem’s members using his oh so cool “social engineering” skills and the twitter sphere. Below are a selection of Rachinger’s tweets received during the period December 2014 – April 2015.
We are pretty sure that the legally trained eye’s amongst LF’s readers will immediately spot what Benjamin Rachinger and his so-called police handlers had in mind, had LF volunteers responded as they’d hoped;
Of course this trap was not the product of Rachinger’s own imagination, he has no legal skill, despite advertising otherwise. Rachinger had just tweeted what he’d been instructed to, but that unfortunately does not make him any less culpable, in the criminal sense. Ben and his friends had relied on the notion that they managed to slip in unnoticed. Rather than slippinh in under the radar the idiots had set of every alarm in the building , so unfortunately for Rachinger and of course his criminal mates the plan was a flop.
Now this is important. The offending tweet, the tweet that had undoubtedly been intended to be used by Ratchinger’s so-called police “handler” to ease the laying of a “conspiracy” allegation, was retweeted ad nauseam by Rachinger, using various false identities, between December 2014 and February 2015, again a digital trail of intent.
Readers should also note the temporary alterations Rachinger variously made to his Avatar and account name, all of course providing more evidence of intent. In fact on one occasion Rachinger thought to borrow the online identity of an Austrian national @burn3r, which of course may have been a grave mistake.
The LF team had very early on also drawn the conclusion that the various other twitter addresses, @rsinful @GeorgieBC @AbusedNZ and @Oatcake1967 were likely twitter accounts held by Rachinger himself or by one or more of his accomplices. It is unlikely that they would have run the risk of involving other twitter users.
Rachinger’s angry little tweet fest in April was truly extraordinary. The degree of vitriol was probably most palpable when Rachinger could no longer contain his anger, clearly knowing the he was about to be exposed by LF. That rage caused Rachinger to again make a foolish and thoughtless decision, he posted evidence of his true agenda, that being to assist the New Zealand police corrupt ex-cops and National party factional warlords in shutting down LF’s expose on the problem the National party has with protecting pedophiles. in the lead up to his attempted entrapment of LF, Rachinger didn’t spend quite enough time however manufacturing his anti pedophile online persona, what ever it was he thought he had achieved, he was far from convincing in the role.
In fact so unconvincing was his effort that at one point LF had concerns that Rachinger himself may have been a pedophile, what other reason could he have had for attempting to assist Mike Sabin? Looking back Rachinger and his masters also undoubtedly knew that there were other National party paedophiles yet to come out of the woodwork. Whether or not Rachinger is an active pedophile is now under investigation.
Of course Rachinger is now very busy spinning a yarn, albeit with a somewhat limited reach, the twitter sphere and of course medium.com – the publicity Rachinger’s masters had hoped for tragically had derailed when mainstream journo’s backed away, undoubtedly warned by their legal advisors. What we here at LF are now going to be extremely interested in knowing is just how well Rachinger handles the stress of being in a court dock, whether the arrogance he is now exhibiting holds up during his own trial. Until then however the spin will no doubt continue:

All the twitter spin in the world won’t save Mr Rachinger from the legal tidal wave thats likely about to engulf him
The fact that Rachinger actually gloated about his social media prowess was a major mistake, it’s an error that he may soon live to regret, as we suspect he will now also be prosecuted for his part in the plan, not necessarily by the police of course.
Rachinger in his last tweet to LF seems extremely confident, addressed to Slater as well – “see yah soon ;-)” Is this just more youthful arrogance, or yet another example of Rachinger’s deluded self-belief, or perhaps the notion that he will be looked after by those who employed him. Or does the idiot seriously believe that the person he has aided police in falsely accusing is really LF? Or does he believe that the falsely accused will somehow forgive and forget, once the spurious charges are thrown out? In point of fact it’s not Lauda Finem that Mr Rachinger should now fear, it’s the falsely accused and of course Rachinger’s own impending criminal prosecution.
We’ll have more on Mr Rachinger’s adventures in cyber space once we have received a little additional material collected by LF’s Australian members. Rachinger is now navigating in unchartered waters, lets see how long it takes the cunt to run aground!
The victims of Pedophiles, child abusers and corruption can rest easy, sure in the knowledge that team Lauda Finem is not about to go anywhere.
More evidence that Mike Gillam NZ is deployed whenever alleged nz govt pedophiles are exposed – in this article its the housing minister…..
Sorry, yes indeed it was Blomfield who was escorted off the premises, that shit head “shit slinger” sorry “rat shit slinger” has been on TV in the land of the long white Shroud admitting to defrauding slater out of 5 K and apparently being involved in a conspiracy to commit theft and unlawfully enter of a computer. This kids narcissim is out of control he should be charged and jailed for his conduct. The shyte sheet the nation has a slapper peddling half truths and lies by a self confessed thief fraudster and hacker……..show him the inside of a prison shower room he wouldn’t need to steal cash off slater. The kid has also confessed to not being a computer geek just a common thief. Spanker
To the author- can you please check your ‘other messages’ tab on the Lauda Finem facebook page? I’ve written you a message but it will probably have gone into that ‘other’ tab.
Thank you.
So many different names, all with @B3nRatching3r right below them? Jeez, he would have fooled me LOL
You would be surprised how many people who receive hundreds of emails etc everyday, reading in haste, get things very wrong Robby, Rachinger himself did and so did Alasdair Thompson a very experienced Kiwi Journo and the editor of scoop.co.nz, you should check it out Robby.
Mr Bloomfield filed a memorandum in Court in the slater case that Cameron Slater owns Lauda finem, on another note Mr Slater was removed from the High Court by security staff.
Yes we’d heard about Blomfield’s latest set of false claims, that Slater owns LF. We’ve actually been advised that it was Matthew Blomfield that needed to be removed from the HC registry by security, the registrar obviously holding that Blomfields behaviour was aggressive and inappropriate. Not surprising really given the material printed in the National Business Review over Blomfield and well known ex all Black. The NBR article contained much the same material as LF’s investigation into Blomfield many months ago. – http://laudafinem.com/2014/01/15/tvnz-john-hudson-matthew-blomfield-and-the-ruawhai-property-scam-part-3/
So the BIG question is why has Blomfield and Bruce Johnson not been investigated by the various authorities with regard to fully fucking over Robinson by transferring shares and Directorship to Robinson via power of attorney ????
I can give LF a story about judicial fraud that was fobbed off by Judith Collins, and the names of those involved including a police prosecutor who acknowledged that the fraud did actually occur. Running with it would tend to make Blomfield’s dittoheads look like idiots due to Slater’s cosy relationship with Collins.
The Pet detectives , Fair go police force , Thugs Thomson Toursen , genarel sneaks and criminals . freinds of small time cannibas growers .are back in the news again . they have a unhealthy relationship with the police , Thomson was hired by the police ibn 2006 to 2008 . they forgot to swear him back in . yes trials were aborted . sad when we have these people so close to crome and the police
Frameblame.org. Entrapment . False flags and psyops need to be criminalised! For Humanities benefit!