It’s official – if you are second in line to a completely fraudulent Royal Family you can get way with murder. Well not quite murder but nevertheless very serious Criminal offending. Well this is New Zealand. LF takes a look at the background and the players involved in yet another complete fuck up by District Court Judge Phillipa Cunningham. But first lets take a look back in time.
The Maori King movement [that still lives today] is a bigger fraud than the British version of German sausage muncher Queen Liz II’s continuing reign, whose predecessors alleged some dubious lineage to King Alfred the Great who was a violent and murderous fuck during his short reign that involved a small area of England and Wales in the late 9th century.
![The original Royal Maori Fraud – Royal Fucktutnutsucksack Potatau – not Potato, [which was the joke of the day] became the first Maori King of fuck all at Ngaruawahia, Waikato, North Island New Zealand](
The original Royal Maori Fraud – Royal Fucktutnutsucksack Potatau – not Potato, [which was the joke of the day] became the first Maori King of fuck all at Ngaruawahia, Waikato, North Island New Zealand.
Thus the Maori Wars began to only end in the further Bristish crime of the infamous fraud of the Treaty of Waitangi,
The truth of the matter was that Maori never stood a chance, mainly because Maori hated Maori, and the Brits hated Maori – so everyone hated Maori – not a good foundation. God, even a handful of Australians bought into it.

King Fucktutnutsucksack’s Potatau’s Royal residence circ 1860 – apparently the Palace didn’t impress the Brits – why? – was it perhaps the interpretation of what makes for impactful architecture – or just a matter of size, and a lack of greenery- or was it the lack of even a fucking long drop. When the King got the shits everyone had to walk around in it.
People like the late historian Michael King have tried their hardest to rewrite history with the alleged bravery of Maori, but the truth is that there is no evidence of any great battles where Maori came together under the rule or reign of any single “political” leader. Sure, there are strong stands around Maori redoubts, but the Brit troops that arrived in New Zealand were hardly prime British infantry, cavalry, or marines, as they were doing murderous business elsewhere, protecting British interests in Europe and Asia. Such heroic battles of the time were found in the likes of the Crimean War.

The charge of the Light Brigade – the British light horse was the epitome of bravery as it was men with swords against canon – hence the advent of the Victoria Cross – a medal made from the bronze of the captured Russian Canon – what would have happened if the “cannonless” Maori had faced these nutjobs.
The Charge of the Light Brigade
Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
“Forward, the Light Brigade!
”Charge for the guns!” he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
“Forward, the Light Brigade!
“ Was there a man dismay’d?
Not tho’ the soldier knew
Someone had blunder’d:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley’d and thunder’d;
Storm’d at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
Flash’d all their sabres bare,
Flash’d as they turn’d in air,
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
All the world wonder’d:
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right thro’ the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian Reel’d from the sabre stroke
Shatter’d and sunder’d.
Then they rode back, but not the six hundred.
Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
Volley’d and thunder’d;
Storm’d at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell,
They that had fought so well
Came thro’ the jaws of Death
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred.
When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wondered.
Honour the charge they made,
Honour the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred.
The original Maori King resulted from the Maori being particularly impressed that all the “Pakeha” (alternate translation) swore allegiance to “one Chief” whereas the Maori populace was a fractured society of backstabbing tribes. This was historically known as the “King movement”, born out of some Maori opposition to the selling of land to the British, no doubt most colonists at the time thought it was more about a Maori bloke called Kingi passing a stool.
Today, the Māori monarchy is a non-constitutional role with no legal power from the perspective of the New Zealand government. Reigning monarchs retain the position of paramount chief of several important tribes and wield some power over these groups alone, although more especially within the Waikato’s Tainui tribe. The truth of the matter however is that the Maori King is funded by only one tribe, and which tribe the current King openly admits is his only fucking concern, although a large chunk of “his tribe” would like to see the back-end of this so-called institution.
The current Māori monarch, Tuheitia Paki, was elected in 2006 and his official residence is Tūrongo House at Tūrangawaewae marae in the town of Ngaruawahia. Tuheitia is the seventh monarch since the position was created and is the continuation of a dynasty that reaches back to the inaugural king, Pōtatau Te Wherowhero.
The use of the title of “Maori King” has been challenged by a leader of the Ngāpuhi iwi of Northland, who says the monarch is not the king of all Māori. LF accepts this position in its entirety – more especially given the anti social behavior of this recidivist criminal, the son of the current so-called Maori King.

Spot the difference – guy on the left given a get out of jail card because his father and the Courts are a fraud, and the guy on the right committed a burglary when drunk and murdered his victims and got justice. Who looks the craziest – but they do look related don’t they – same malevolent eyes, busy eyebrows and broad flattened nose – imagine that being the last thing you saw before they choked you to death, or slit your throat.
William Dwayne Bell started with drink driving, and burglary charges, and was convicted at every turn, as are all Maori that appear in front of New Zealands Courts, but the cowardice of the current Maori King and his nefarious criminal offspring should not be tolerated by Maori or “Pakeha”, or for that matter any other culture or race that are citizens of “Aotearoa”, the land of the long white fluffy feather

“King Tut Tut” when it comes to his hoodlum son. Maori King Tuheitia – educated at St Stephens school for Maori criminals – closed for its abuse of students by fellow students – a vicious circle that continues with his sons criminality.
This is not the first time the Kings son Korotangi Paki has been before the Criminal Courts and gotten away without conviction. When 16, Paki was acting as a boy racer driving a Mitsubishi Lancer at incredibly high speed, doing burnout’s and doughnuts, when he lost control of the vehicle and it hit a power pole on Riverview Rd in Huntly New Zealand:
Maori King’s son on boy racer charges
A son of the Maori King has been charged by police after he crashed into a power pole in Huntly on Saturday night – and a witness says the boy is lucky to be alive.
Korotangi Paki, King Tuheitia’s 16-year-old middle child and youngest son, was driving a Mitsubishi Lancer that hit the pole on Riverview Rd about 9pm.
No-one from the king’s office could be contacted by the Waikato Times this morning.
Waikato Police spokesman Andrew McAlley confirmed a 16-year-old boy had been arrested on Saturday night on boy racer charges.
A witness said Korotangi and his friend were lucky to escape any serious injuries from either the impact of the crash or from the 33,000 volt powerlines that hung dangerously low afterwards.
“I didn’t see it happen, but I heard it,” the witness said. “He turned the corner and put his boot in.
“There was very, very heavy revving and then he skidded up onto the kerb and hit the power pole.
“I thought he had hit my fence at first, it’s right near the road.”
The witness said the 50kmh stretch of road was popular with speeding drivers and he was expecting the worst when he went outside, but found the two boys had climbed from their car unaided.
“They are two very lucky young chaps.”
The witness called the police and said three police cars showed up quickly as well as a Wel Networks vehicle.
Korotangi was quickly moved into one of the police cars where he sat “for about three quarters of an hour” until he was taken away by police.
Wel Networks staff had secured the pole but the Riverview Rd and Porritt Rd area was expected to be without power for up to six hours tomorrow while repairs are carried out.
Wel Networks supervisor of faults Hamish Thomson said it was the third time a car had driven into one of its poles that day. Earlier a car hit a power pole in Hamilton’s Peacockes Rd and another hit a pole in Nevada Rd.
Paki was also caught with double the legal limit prior to his latest bout of arrests for theft and burglary. Paki committed the crimes whilst “studying” in Gisborne, a shit hole of a town on the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand, where Police corruption and violence by Police against young females is at epidemic levels and has been since the 1970’s. Paki allegedly “studies” Maori Visual Art and Design at the Toihoukura School.
The school has some lovely ideals but has failed to impart them to the Maori Kings recidivist criminal middle son. Some of the stated ideals are stated below as found on the Schools website;
Application of Māori philosophy to practical knowledge and techniques of art and design
Practical disciplines which may include Whakairo (carving), Raranga (fibre arts), Waituhi (painting), Uku (clay), Tā Moko (traditional skin marking), Multimedia Studies
Understanding of Māori culture, including te reo, tikanga and a variety of kawa and moteatea
Māori values (tikanga) as they apply to studio practice and the use of different media
Historical development of Māori art and its place in society
Introduction to intellectual property issues
Research and critical analysis practices
Communication & presentation skills
Effective work and project management practices
Exhibition and curatorial skills

As you can see the stated disciplines appear to manifest themselves with poking your tongue at authority, not that that is a bad thing by young Maori, but the drinking and driving, and theft and burglary, and then being let off completely, is very strange indeed – not even a fucking fine.
Lets have a look at the players involved here. Judge Phillipa Cunningham is not very bright to start with, well lets be honest she’s fucking incompetent, and likely corrupt. In practice as a barrister sole she worked out of a shit red brick building near the High Court.
After an abysmal career fucking up defendants court cases, she was appointed to the District Court bench as one of the allotment of terrible female lawyers who get warrants on the merit of their gender alone.

An ugly cunt in more ways than one. If you are connected via reprobate lawyer Paul Wicks try and get in front of this imbecilic jurist – Phillipa “rapists mate” Cunningham.
LF wonders how it was that Paul Wicks managed to get Judge Cunningham as the sentencing Judge. Cunningham thinks rape and molestation of young females is OK, so why wouldn’t she think that mere burglary, theft, and drinking driving would not deserve no conviction after a fucking guilty plea, and where there was previous form.
Cunningham has form herself being criminally incompetent in her role. She aborted a rape trial because it had gone four days and she had booked a short holiday. This offensive behavior caused the 50 year old multiple rape victim to have to give her harrowing evidence twice.
In another case Cunningham entered no conviction against a man that pleaded guilty to committing unlawful sexual connection against his 4 year old daughter. In that case the man was a New Zealand Comedian who had already escaped conviction on a previous charge of unlawful sexual connection.
After handing down the sentence to the comedian Judge Cunningham pulled a joke herself when she said the man was a talented man, who made people laugh. To quote the mad fucking cow;
“Laughter’s a good medicine … and something that we all need a little of,”
At that time child protection agency Barnados head Murray Edridge vehemently disagreed stating:
“It is very concerning to think that being talented and funny somehow excuses the inexcusable. I absolutely disagree with the Judge’s assertion that ‘the effects of a conviction outweighed the gravity of the offending…..These actions are not without impact. The mother and daughter were deeply traumatised by the drunken actions of this individual and have been receiving counseling…….The verdict by Judge Cunningham is deeply concerning and should be offensive to any right-thinking New Zealander….We have a significant child abuse issue in New Zealand which will only be addressed when we start to respect and value our children, and are prepared to stand up for them when they don’t have a voice.”

Unlike the incompetent and emotionally disconnected Cunningham, three New Zealanders that are making a difference in tackling child abuse are Norm Hewitt, Murray Edridge, and South Auckland lawyer Sandra Alofivae.
Edridge said child sexual abuse is a serious issue, with longitudinal studies showing that up to 20% of children in New Zealand experience sexual abuse and that abuse has long-term consequences. Edridge concluded;
“If we are going to change this, we need police, the social services sector, the judiciary and all New Zealanders to take abuses against children seriously. In this case it appears we have failed to do so”
Now lets take a look at Paul Wicks. Wicks was the understudy to the “Mr Big” of corruption in the judicial system – the late John Haigh QC, now thankfully deceased, as “God cut him down”.
LF has got a massive file on Wicks when he worked under Haigh, and in due course the information will be released, but released likely when New Zealand finally passes ICAC legislation – as the Crimes Act 1961 has no statute of limitations, so Mr Wicks criminality can wait – for now.
Wicks probably spoke to his mate Michael Reed QC’s wife, District Court Judge Mathers, who arranged for Judge Cunningham to sit on the criminal Paki’s sentencing. Easy as that.
But Wicks historic behavior includes being involved in a conspiracy to defeat the course of justice, which conspiracy involved John Haigh QC, Michael Reed QC, and previous completely corrupt District Court Judges Michael Lance, and Josephine Bouchier. Our readership should remember Judge Lance QC – he’s the guy that keyed his neighbours car, and then got off in a Judge alone trial, with John Haigh as defence counsel. Easy as that.
The Judge who sat restored Lances reputation by stating that the prosecution should never have been brought as there was not a case to answer. Fuck off you corrupt tosser – there were eye witnesses that the Police certainly believed, oh and we suspect 99.999% of New Zealanders……that just leaves the judge alone. LF has quite a bit of “dirty stuff” on good old Judge Lance that will also be released with the advent of an ICAC. But like criminal Haigh, Lance will probably get to have “god cut him down” before he can be dealt justice by his fellow New Zealanders.
Of note Paul Wicks shares chambers with Michael Reed QC, and the son of Judge Lance, Simon Lance…….Get the picture New Zealand!! When are New Zealander’s going to wake-up to themselves and demand an Independent Commission Against Corruption so that these corrupt fuckers can be dealt to.

Judge Lance QC , corrupt as they come. LF holds evidence on this previous completely corrupt Judge that clearly proves that he did favours for criminals that included interfering in prosecutions that would have led to his conviction and removal from the bench to serve a decent amount of jail time. That is if New Zealand had an Independent Commission Against Corruption.
Now back to the current Maori King. Well he’s got a rather chequered past himself since taking the throne. Born in 1955 he was a literal nobody in Maoridom till his promotion to the throne, after his mother the Maori Queen Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu kicked the pākete.
In typical Maori tradition he had previously held the position of cultural advisor to the Tainui, even though he could not speak the lingo. In June 2011 this fact was raised by David Rankin of the Ngāpuhiiwi who attacked both Paki and the Governments’ use of the term “Māori King” to describe Paki, saying that not only had tribes such as Ngāpuhi never supported the kingitanga movement, but that Paki “[hadn’t] even got the Reo” (or Māori language).
Previously, in March 2010, the King threatened to abdicate his title if tribal members “do not fall back into line” and stopped whining about his family’s spending habits. He made the announcement after members of the tribe’s parliament, Te Kauhanganui, questioned his use of tribal funds and his choice of company directors.
His office denied that he mentioned abdication. At the heart of the allegations is the spending of Paki’s office which has risen to an annual $1.2 million compared to $250,000 under his mother, with much of the spending going on travel for his relatives.
The funds are provided by Tainui, which has assets worth more than $1billion. Funds that came originally in land settlements with the Crown.
In December 2010 he attempted to sack the Te Kauhanganui chairperson Tania Martin, Hiiona Marae’s elected representative on Te Kauhanganui, in connection with a report which she tabled detailing troubling financial issues.
However, the constitutional rules of Tainui’s Parliament allegedly only allow for Te Kauhanganui itself to elect or remove its chairperson. As of January 2011, Mrs Martin remains the chairperson of Te Kauhanganui, having been reaffirmed by a vote.
In March 2011, issues arose over travel expenses for Te Makau Ariki Atawhai and Te Ariki Tamaroa Whatumoana, Paki’s consort and son. So in short Paki Jnr is not in line for the fraudulent throne, and even if he were so, he should be passed over and the Crown given to a museum where it fucking belongs.
Other bullshit orders that have been bestowed on this Maori fraud are the following. On 27 November 2007, Paki was appointed an Officer of the Venerable Order of Saint John. He was appointed to Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown of Tonga during the coronation ceremonies of King George Tupou V of Tonga. In 2010 he was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Lazarus. And all of this occurred because of the pathetic attempt by Maoridom to imitate the very race that oppressed their people. All of these awards are based purely on the fact that this idiot was called a “king” by one power hungry Maori Tribe.

Image of the original Maori King, and a modern Maori that would replace him and likely do a much better job – not sucking up to the white mans justice – getting scraps like the shit handed out to one Maori boy – rather than to all young Maori men “in trouble”.
Maybe the “King” should take heed of the Maori Proverb;
Tangata ako ana i te whare, te turanga ki te marae, tau ana
It means that a person who is taught at home, will stand collected on the Marae (meeting house grounds), and a child raised with home values will be able to stand strong against the world.
A proud Maori King should have stood side by side with his son, admitted their joint failure, and let his son take the same punishment meted out daily to hundreds of other Maori youths.
What possible message is this corruption sending to Kiwi youngsters, no matter their race or culture. Youth between 15 and 19 represent 1 in every 5 of convicted drink drivers. Maori would also be disproportionately high in these numbers, as they would be for the crimes of burglary and theft.
How the fuck did letting this recidivist criminal get off virtually scott free send a message that drink driving, boy racing, burglary and theft is anti social when a so-called future King does not have to abide by the same rules and limits in a free and democratic society.
a most offensive article indeed. I care not one whit about claims to royal status by dusky skinned chaps in the antipodes but you scoundrels overstep the bounds of decency when referring to Her Majesty, my ancestors and my old regiment . Her Majesty, Sirs, does not munch. As befits her position, she delicately savours sausage. It is bad form to suggest that the Irish Lumper is consumed at dinner. Dinner, Sirs, is always black tie and black beverage with creamy white top. I’d give you a damned good thrashing with the flat of me sword blade if I could. Chaps in the regiment may have been like 10 Watt light bulbs, Sirs, but they were not nutjobs. I have cancelled my subscription.
Kernel (Rtd) Sir Harold O’Stottle KNT
Wow what research and mapping together. We all agree that an Independent Commission Against Corruption is necessary. Can’t wait to hear about the stuff you guys have got on the likes of Judge Lance. I saw the TV programmes and read the media accounts, and could not believe that some corrupt brother Judge let the old criminal off. As for Maoridom, it needs to take a good long look at itself going forward. The word “King” to bestow power and privilege of the Paki family is a misnomer for a start. As rightly said this family represents one tribe alone, and was a fraud from the start. Paki senior should renounce his middle son from ever being able to become “King” as a punishment fit for the crime committed by the likes of Cunningham and Wicks who clearly colluded to obtain no conviction. It is clear that all knew the result before the Court was open. Its clearly corruption. As for Paki Snr – change his title to “High Poobah Paki”.