Lard-arse and National party MP the Rt Hon Gerry Brownlee, KFC, heading the naughty Nats charge to keep Banks in his parliamentary seat until the September election
Ex Naughty National Government ‘Police Minister’ John Banks was today convicted of electoral fraud fulfilling his life long ambition of being a convicted felon.
Despite attempts by the boys in blue and blue pinstripes John Banks has now got the opportunity to spend some time as ‘prisoner’ John Banks just like his Ma and Pa did back in the 1960’s for their part in serious criminal activity. It’s apparently a serious family affair which Banks Jr liked to reminisce about ad nauseum.
At least John has the millions, well less the fine of course. Oh how the ‘mighty’ have fallen John Banks has gone down. He’s now prisoner and convict John Banks. LF have no delight in seeing Banksie change his blue pinstripe for prison stripes and if you believe that you are truly a fucktard… Nothing to see…I’ve done nothing wrong, I always do good things. Well accept the fraud that is.
So how did it get this far. Well there was the usual attempt to defeat justice by the boys in blue with the Sergeants stripes. The Police didn’t get it right….yawn again.

Private prosecutor Graeme McCready, vindicated at last and obviously delighted that justice was done.
Someone who didn’t get it right either was Radio personality or lack of it…Larry ‘dropkick drive time’ Williams. This National Party fucktard and flunky was caught calling the prosecution a ‘civil’ matter….ah wrong Larry. Larry was caught attempting to assassinate McCready’s reputation as if it was relevant….are wrong Larry. Waste of time….ah wrong Larry. Larry is just a red necked National Party spin doctor on red neck radio talk back “bull shit” ZB station, spinning irrelevant out of date financial Market reports with dipstick National Party Stock Brokers with fantasies of having the radio voice.
John Banks joins a long list of senior National Party Government Ministers who have ended up in the dock and eventually with a conviction list. It has been a long time coming for Banksie but worth the wait. He just so deserves it.

Ex New Zealand Police Commissioner Peter Marshall (retired) – “Not enough evidence to charge or convict John Banks”- Was the political fix in? Plans that Graeme McCready rooted for John Key?
Banksie coughed up a lot of dough for ‘clown in a silk gown’ David ‘journeyman’ Jones QC. The QC doesn’t stand for Queens Counsel. We’ll let the readers guess at what LF thinks it stands for.
So what did Justice Wylie think of the witnesses after they had been smeared by Jones QC, falsely alleging they were out to bring the ‘naughty Nats’ down and defeat the course of justice, in a further attempt to discredit them. Well Wylie J thought the Dotcom witnesses were credible, who was not credible, well Mrs Banks she was plainly incredible.
Its two ticks and a gold star for Wylie J he got it so right. There was no argument that the return was false, there was no argument that Banks received the donations….what Kim Dot Com, a foreign National came up with the idea to split the donation?…We don’t think so John.
Jerry ‘Brown nose’ Brownlee fronted the media scrum confirming what every one knew anyway….well that John ‘Cup of tea’ Key was going to rely on the Act vote. That gambit will backfire big time in the coming weeks we think. The last thing that the Naughty Nats need is another Nat Minister to be caught involved in tampering with the administration of Justice. LF has the good oil on another scandal brewing in the back blocks….we’ll let our readers no when it has stewed enough.
Jones QC will be seeking a discharge without conviction on an offence that strikes at the heart of our democracy. Justice Wylie is not singing from the same song book as he has asked for a pre sentence report on the suitability of John Banks for home detention. If I was John Banks I would shut the fuck up or he might be spending Chrissie in Dads old prison apartment. What was an aggravating feature in this case was the smear campaign on the Dot Com witnesses without any evidence. An oldie but a very big not so goody.

Its not only the New Zealand public that will be asking questions of the police. Kim Dotcom has been vindicated today and also deserves an explanation, although LF suspects that instead they’ll receive yet another police fabrication.