Peter Chevin (L) seen here with corporate gangsters mole and dodgy realtor Julija Wilson, ex wife of Malcolm Mayers bogus liquidator Warren Arthur Wilason – New Zealands such a small place when it comes to its white collar criminals
Lauda Finem did a story on banned director and incorrigible criminal Peter Chevin way back in 2011 when he was caught out trying to defraud clients of Real estate agent Dermot Nottingham. Dermot and his undercover crew filmed Chevin and Latvian loser realtor Julija Wilson trying to run a scam with forged signatures on a dodgy contract (Video below).
Dermot Nottingham had the ‘good oil’ on Chevin and Wilson and made a complaint to the Official Assignees office about Chevin operating his company and acting as a shadow director in breach of the insolvency Act and companies Act. Chevin was slapped with a wet bus ticket and a few more convictions in a long list of convictions. The prosecuting girlie lawyer from Meredith Connell clearly way out of her depth during proceedings.
So what were the companies Chevin was using, Hunter Capital from memory. Well while the OA was fucking around Chevin and his wife were flogging a large lump of other peoples cash, overseas investors cash that is. Some one wrote a cheque out from Hunter capital and associated companies for $ 342,961 for the benefit of Chevin and his wife. Also involved in this theft was Chevin’s bum boy and patsy Peter Hill. A low rent little loser whose name came up on Nottingham’s radar as he was cross examining Chevin outside the Sierra café in the Auckland suburb of Onehunga.
Well cross examination was how Julija Wilson described Nottingham’s meeting with Chevin. That film was a huge embarrassment for Julija, so she got three time bankrupt Warren Arthur Wilson, her elderly ex husband and patsy stoolie liquidator for criminal master minds like Malcolm Mayer and ‘Sage Corpse Limited’, to attempt to defend her “honour”.
Warren Arthur Wilson rung up Dermot Nottingham’s real estate company on numerous occasions on his “wife” Julija Wilsons behalf, fully inebriated, in fact loaded to the eye-balls, incoherent and abusive. Wilson would himself become a thrice bankrupt bozo and senior member of the New Zealand Bankrupt Businessman’s association before being ejected by the mortgagee of his run down hovel in Upper Queen Street, Auckland. LF have so much more on these fraudsters but instead of using it to hang Chevin we’ll be using it for another purpose.
The liquidators of one of the company’s scammed by Chevin and his wife are suing this criminal for the return of the funds. The tax department should be after Chevin as well, and the OA’s office and the Police. It’s not going to happen people, the ineptitude at the OA’s office is legendary. Despite this Chevin might yet get banged up as a result of the Financial Markets authorities prosecution of him for his involvement in the Mutual Finance and Viaduct finance collapse’s.
Lets hope they get this clown and put him away. For fucks sake enough is enough. If any of LF’s readers have any goss or hard evidence on this latest scam give the liquidators, Damien Grant and Steven Khov of Waterstone Insolvency a tinkle on the dog and bone they would be more than happy to hear from you.
Waterstone Insolvency
PO Box 352, Shortland Street,
Auckland 1010PHYSICAL:
Waterstone Insolvency – Auckland
16 Piermark Drive,
Albany, AucklandEMAIL: enquiries@waterstone.co.nz
PHONE: 0800 CLOSED (0800 256 733)
FAX: 0800 FAX WSI (0800 329 974)OVERSEAS PHONE: +64 9 441 3487
OVERSEAS FAX: +64 9 448 2038
Meanwhile LF will soon have a story that will truly shock readers; how New Zealands Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA) conspired to shut down Nottinghams investigation into Chevin, Bublitz and Wilson, by allowing the investigation to be tied up in spurious allegations and time wasting expensive litigation designed to pervert justice. It seems to LF that there just may have been to many high flying realtors who had paid into the REAA’s “cash for protection” racket.

REAA registrars Kevin Lampen-Smith (L) and Keith Manch (R). Were they both on the take? Were both responsible for these scum sucking, bottom feeding, fraudsters getting away with their behaviour for years? LF will soon be presenting the facts and letting our readers decide.
The REAA is a Kiwi “statutory” body that, prima facie, appears to have been hijacked by criminals, cashed-up real estate industry insiders who are arguably prepared to pay corrupt politicians and civil servants well for results that benefit them and their mates, fraudsters like Peter Chevin and Warren Arthur Wilson.
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I think Waterstone already have a big issue with what has been going on inside the matrix of all companies associated with Chevin, Bublitz, Cook and co – and that is why Waterstone have decided to engage legal council to assist. i would suggest time is up on the game of liquidating companies and moving paper trail assets between each entity for the gain of shareholders and the expense of deposit payers and business creditors