LF has just received some “free” advice from a Kerri L. Thomas of Wanganui, New Zealand about our most recent article on Wanganui serial real estate conman Dale Vanderhoof, and his halfwit accomplice Jean Palmer-Jones.
Apparently Kerri Thomas has strong views with respect to the veracity of LF’s work – alleging its a badly written fiction and little more than “hearsay”, or as Kerri herself puts it;
Your lack of evidence of this alleged set up that allegedly involves a very large number of people is quite breathtaking. It might pay you, if you are going to engage in this sort of reportage, to get a legal education so that you can learn to sift facts from hearsay and unsubstantiated allegations. Unless, of course, you believe that law schools are also part of some conspiracy that you haven’t worked out yet?
Source: New Zealand’s REAA – Six Degrees Of Seperation – Facebook, Fraudsters & Free Masons – Part Two
Now this sort of reaction to the truth is not all that infrequent when someone’s friend, or a close business associate, has been described in an accurate, albeit unflattering way. Kerri Thomas, herself a resident of Wanganui, New Zealand, is of course a close friend of many of the other Wanganui residents that LF have named in the offending article.
Now whilst we’re on the subject of badly written fiction it would seem that this may just be a case of “Pot, Kettle, Black” as LF’s research indicates that Kerri Louise Thomas has a degree of knowledge in the area of badly written fiction. In fact one might say she’s a fucking expert on the subject.
Thomas has had a book published and the publisher now, having lost a shit load of muller, no doubt regrets ever having met Kerri. The book is ranked at a flopping 5,171,368 on the Amazon best sellers list. With Kerri’s first book hitting skid row Kerri was forced to self publish her second atrocious effort on a website that, frankly, has some pretty spectacular “rising stars”;

Sarah Taylor Smiths work is ahead of Thomas’s in popularity in the Amazon bestsellers list at 4,999,999 ranking. Having read a little under half a page of Thomas’s drivel we can well understand why.
Now with Thomas’s literary efforts failing miserably at the box office she then came up with an amazingly cunning plan in an attempt to push the idiotic and psychotic rantings contained in her books about females having their private parts abused by real men with massive cocks. She very cleverly settled on the idea of writing a review for her book “Afinidad”, giving it 4 stars out of 5, just to preserve her own credibility.

That’s right folks, she is one of two reviews on this site. Who reviews ones own book and states ones own writing “the prose flow like honey”.
Thomas appears to be a bit of a freak, and man hater to boot. But she seems to like men that have a touch of the criminal streak in them. One only need look at the back cover of her masterpiece “Afinidad”;
![Its badly written [although the author does not think so in her own bullshit review]. A murder thriller – the only murdering going on is the wholesale slaughter of the English langauge and of course fucktardress Kerri Thomas's credibility.](http://www.laudafinem.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/retard3.png)
Its badly written [although the author does not think so in her own bullshit review]. A murder thriller – the only murdering going on is the wholesale slaughter of the English langauge and of course fucktardress, Kerri Thomas’s credibility.

“Aztec Yawn” would have been a more appropriate title for this abject failure – not at all unlike its author really.
Before Thomas turned up in Wanganui she worked for a womens shelter in Auckland; reading between the lines of her literary efforts, she’s probably a well and truly fucked up individual.
Just occasionally LF seems to get very lucky. We are blessed with the job of writing articles that flush out the crazies, the numb-nuts, the bullshit artists, and fucktard’s trying ever so hard to protect those that are being investigated for dishonesty, intimidation, corruption, or just plain old nepotism, or gravy training. And so it is that Thomas joins the long list of nut-jobs who’ve, over the years, foolishley decided to throw their weight around, in Thomas’s case its her star studded stella career that she’s thrown into the LF pot in order that she could alert readers to the fact that LF was in itself a fraud.
Well loyal readers, its happened yet again. These shysters come, they fight, they lose, leaving LF to fuck their past, present and future, because the unpalatable truth is that every one of them has been a deceitful, lying fucking fraud.
In Thomas’s case she’s apparently recieved a BBS, and she purports, with a major in law. The letters BBS of course stand for bachelor of Business Studies, unfortunately its a bit of a “why the fuck bother degree”, especially when its been handed out by a second rate Kiwi Uni. The majoring in law bit, however, is most likely a scam dreamt up by Thomas, and we will explain why.
Since arriving in Wanganui Thomas has set her self up as a “pretend lawyer” which is in itself an offence under the Lawyers and Practitioners Act 2006. Section 22 of that Kiwi Act provides;
22. Misleading descriptions
(1) A person commits an offence who holds himself or herself, or any other person, out (whether directly or indirectly) as providing legal services, or as being entitled, qualified, able, or willing to provide legal services, under the description of lawyer or any of the terms specified in subparagraphs (ii) to (viii) of section 21(1)(b), if it would be an offence against section 21 for that person or, as the case may be, that other person to provide legal services under that description.
(2) A person commits an offence who uses or permits to be used in connection with that person’s name or business or with the name under which that person carries on business any words, letters, or symbols that the person intends to cause, or are reasonably likely to cause, anyone else to believe that the first-mentioned person or any other person—
(a) is a lawyer; or
3) A person commits an offence who uses or permits to be used any words, letters, or symbols that the person intends to cause, or are reasonably likely to cause, anyone else to believe that the first-mentioned person or any other person possesses a qualification in law or any branch of the law or possesses special expertise in any branch of the law, unless the first-mentioned person or, as the case requires, that other person holds that qualification or possesses that special expertise
Source: http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2006/0001/latest/DLM365727.html
LF has managed to locate, online, the following advertising that we believe specifically breaches section 22 of the Act:

This advertisement is clearly creating the impression that Thomas is qualified to give legal advice and that she has a qualification to do so as a lawyer. But theres more as there always is with scumbags like Thomas.

Again the statements are designed to mislead, or to infer qualification to give “legal advice”. Her use of the term consultant at various places does not ot itself right the intended deception.
Now lets take a little look at the kind of advice this low-life fraudster gives out to “employers”;
Thomas is not a lawyer, she holds no law degree, she’s never been admitted to the bar, in fact, the reality is that Kerri L. Thomas is little more than a facsimile of failed Re/Max real estate franchisee and fraudster Dale Vanderhoof – a dyed in the wool low life con artist who thoroughly enjoys dry humping unsuspecting consumers by claiming to be something she is not – a lawyer.
Anyone who has an axe to grind with Thomas should make a complaint to the New Zealand Law Society about her deceptive conduct in making out that she is a lawyer, and qualified to give legal advice. Her advertising and behaviour does not equate to exceptions as provided by section 27 of the Act.
Her behaviour is a criminal act, which makes Kerri Louise Thomas a criminal. But the more serious crimes are to be found in her books, and in the way that she thought it was reasonable to review her own book; now that really is the work of a complete and utter fucktard.
The New Zealand Law Society’s website has a ‘how to complain’ page which will assist readers who may have been conned by Kiwi “Claytons” lawyer, Kerri L. Thomas;
So can some one help me understand how it is they, the REAA, can keep getting away with this kind of thing. They should be held to acount for their actions. If you are honest and good at your job your customers are happy with your work for them. How is it that the REAA can just turn up say what they like and wreck your life and end your career. And you can’t do a thing about it. Justice my ass!
Oh and I wish Mr Hume all the best.
The latest news on vanderhoof is he is now working for bayleys in Wanganui . Please feel free to contact Bayleys head office and let them know what you think of them taking him on . And thank you all for your support ..Cheers Billy Hume
Hang on to your seat Mr Hume LF has an up coming story on yet another REAA case that mirrors, almost exactly, the M/O employed in your case – The REAA and its six degrees of separation!
G-day guys . I have sent a copy of your findings and this story to every law office in the Wanganui region . As well as Chester Borrows office he is the minister of Law and order for New Zealand . The feed back I have had about Vanderhoof and his band off slippery followers has been to say the very least overwhelming. Keep up the good work as we have only just tapped into the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to come .. Cheers Billy .
I have sent this story out to all my friend’s and associates and they will send it to their friends etc. Lets get this fraudster some well deserved justice. What about her stalking Mr Hume as well. Who is going to want to publish anything she writes, or want to hire her as a “pretend lawyer”.
A friend of mine was at a party with Kerri, when a man related a sad story about a african 12 year old girl that had to walk 20 miles a day to get water. When we were all discussing how lucky we had it in Wanganui, Kerri said, “look it’s simple, she should just move”. That is a true story. Kerri is quite callous and stupid.
She is not only a fake Mr Hume, she is a liar and I now know that she is a fraudster. But her time as come to have that 15 minutes of fame, or shall I say well deserved infamy. The description of a troll is an insult to trolls, who according to Scandinavian folklore are supernatural creatures. I would suspect that this “thing” is possibly a thinly disguised tranny who would have massive hands.
It’s funny that this troll should want to coment as I remember she sat in the court room of every hearing I had . Clearly reporting back to the so called witness room on every brake . She is clearly as corrupt as the rest of them . I did ask her in court who she was but she refused to say . Only saying that she was a member of the public . It comes as no surprise to learn that she is a fake as that fits in well with the comany she keeps .
Hi Billy Hume,
Thanks for the heads up on Kerri Thomas’s presence during your Court appearances. If she has, as you have alluded to, been involved in passing on witness testimony to witness’s waiting to be heard she has committed yet another very serious criminal offence.
Small town New Zealand is synonymous with this sort of corrupt behaviour, team LF have found this to be that case in so many peoples stories that we have sussessfully investigated (not all reported on). Its a strange phenomenon, and frankly quite peculiar to NZ. The strange thing is that most of those involved don’t even realise that what they have done is in fact corruption. Thats part of the problem when joining the dots, especially when the unsuspecting victim is an outsider or new to the region.
Normally what team LF’s researchers tend to look closely at are groups such as Lions clubs, Free Masons, Business Round Tables and Associations, religious groups, churches (especially – Catholics, born-again Christian evangelists and new agers) and Rotary clubs.
This woman, Kerri Thomas, on further investigation, has some very interesting involvement in various town groups and associations. Of course the Team @ LF will be looking closely at every dark, damp corner of the Wanganui’s establishment, we have already had a number of very interesting emails with respect to Ms. Thomas’s involvement in the Wanganui regions Theosophical society, she is the society’s branch secretary. We’ll be explaining a little more about that in our next post:
Our readers will undoubtedly be fascinated by what goes on in small town New Zealand as your story slowly unfolds, again thanks for advising of thomas’s presence and strange behaviour during the hearing.