The so named “Pilgrims Planet” looks, for all intents and purposes, like a fucking motel or backpackers, complete with Neon signage; certainly not the cosy B & B, Pensione or quaint country welcoming guesthouse that Australians expect.
What now constitutes a B & B or guest house (well beyond the 21st century definition of a quiet, cutesy and beautifully located pensione)? Well the latest case of homophobia to strike New Zealand, the self proclaimed gay marriage capital of the world, may well wind up defining the use of this often used tourist targeted jargon. A story that has now crossed the Tasman probably putting a halt to the envisaged, politically driven, mass influx of Australian gay bridal parties and is now being played out in our own Australian media.
What surprises us here at Lauda Finem is the fact that the mainstream press, here in Australia and New Zealand (oh thats right Australians are now feed this shit by KIWI Fairfax New Zealand’s lower paid editors; that could also explain the rapid transit of this story between the two countries) have not cottoned on to the fact that there is more to the “Planet Pilgrim” owners and the latest mainstream bullshit story than meets the eye.
According to the latest press pieces Mr and Mrs Michael Ruskin are claiming to have received “death threats” as a result of the bad publicity surrounding their abuse of their customers civil and human rights. The story started approximately a week ago with an article in the New Zealand Gay press and the story soon after caught the eye of that country’s mainstream media (Fairfax).
Despite the mainstream media having been alerted to the story by gay news websites they seem to have left out and or twisted some very important facts that were integral to the story. According to the mainstream media Michael Ruskin and his wife were simply christians and as such were doing nothing more than living by their consciences and faith in scripture (an ancient novel, something akin to the modern day soap opera; that came about because most of the population either can’t or refuse to read). They, the mainstream press, however left out a few seemingly small but somewhat significant points; such as the fact that Pilgrim Planet doubles as a whacko “Catholic” Church; a church that some amongst us (the theologians) might class as an “Eastern Orthodox” ancient breakaway “cult“.
Since then the story has taken on a life of its own with Pilgrim Planets Facebook page being targeted and a mock twitter account having been set up. All in good fun of course. In fact thats where todays mainstream media reports of the alleged death threats the couple are receiving become more than a little suspicious. The online campaign being waged against the variously described Pilgrim Planet B & B, Pilgrim Planet Hotel and Pilgrim Planet home stay seems to be coming mainly from the gay community and its supporters and as one would suspect, far from being threatening, appears to be more humour based.
In short we have failed to locate a single death threat online, or even a threat to destroy this “Christian” business, which of course will as a matter of course happen given the media coverage this story is receiving and that is what has raised our suspicions.
It appears that as a prelude to this latest media, Michael Ruskin’s allegations of “death threats”, he apparently decided that it was a good idea to take down the businesses facebook page (we tried locating a live version this morning without success, thank God for googles cached material).
Now what we would like our readers to do is find all the shit that you can on this so-called “CHRISTIAN” Kiwi couple and email it to us here at www.laudafinem.org via our email address: laudafinem@bigpond.com
We will give you all a head-start:
Pilgrim Planet: B&B guesthouse in central Whangarei, modern accommodation with old fashioned values*
Pilgrim Planet offers stylish accommodation with views over the Hatea River and Mt Parahaka. Our Whangarei accommodation is only a few minutes’ walk to downtown Whangarei shops, restaurants and the Whangarei Town Basin. Our guest facilities include:
- 5 ensuite rooms with tasteful, modern decor and ensuite bathrooms
- Fibre Optic Broadband, computer with free internet access and Wifi
- Fully equipped modern kitchen with complimentary continental breakfast provisions
- Spacious lounge with SKY TV, DVDs, CDs & library for your enjoyment
- Outdoor patio area with BBQ, covered seating, table and hammock
- Plenty of off-street parking so you can leave your car behind and walk into town
*Our nation’s moral code has been based on generally accepted values which have guided legislation. Essentially parliament’s concern is matters legal and the peoples’ concern is matters moral. When these line up we have peace and harmony but when politicians legislate against morality, a disconnect occurs. Unjust laws need to be questioned for if we fail to do this we will become corrupted by the law instead of edified and protected by it. You are welcome to stay in our home, whatever your beliefs, so long as you respect and understand ours.
Courage meets ideology. Courage wins.
Posted on May 1, 2013by orthodoxactuallyA video shot outside the French National Assembly on the day it approved same-sex “marriage” and homosexual adoption, shows a woman who organised rallies against the laws walking through a crowd of hostile and angry supporters of the changes. I know nothing about her political leanings etc. but she certainly shows courage and dignity in the face of intimidation.
What comes to mind is the experience of Lot which St.Peter described very well “For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds.” 2nd Peter Ch.2:8Source: http://orthodoxactually.com
Christ the Saviour Mission Whangarei New Zealand
Posted on April 19, 2013by orthodoxactuallyAntiochian Orthodox Church
Meets Sundays at 9am
Typica service – All welcome
Pilgrim Planet, 63 Hatea Drive, Whangarei.
New ZealandFr Dcn Michael Ruskin
(09) 459 1099
0274 829509email: ruskinm@xtra.co.nz
Meanwhile an outpouring of outrage continues on the lodge’s Facebook page.
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- ‘You’re not doing this in my home’: lesbian bed ban sparks threats and abuse (smh.com.au)
- Antiochian Orthodox Christian Patriarchate: Pray for abducted bishops (1389blog.com)
- Lesbian bed ban sparks threats and abuse (stuff.co.nz)
- ‘You’re not doing this in my home’ (theage.com.au)
- ‘It’s our home – not a motel’ (smh.com.au)
- ‘You’re not doing it in my home’ (theage.com.au)
- Gay couple told: Single beds only, if you stay here (nzherald.co.nz)
- Guesthouse refuses to let gay couple sleep together (stuff.co.nz)
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Imagine how much bigger the news item would have been if a B&B put up a ‘No Bibles Please’, or “Thank you for not praying in our house’ signs in the window. I don’t know why christians feel entitled to descriminate without being descriminated back.