Registered Nurse Brian Athol Smith [AKA “Nurse Athol”] did what his bosses told him to do, and he paid the price of serving them loyally as their rabid “attack dog” stalking – nay hunting and terrifying ACC claimants suffering from adjustment disorder in the hope that they would exit the scheme as a result of that disorder turning into full blown PTSD, and the targeted individuals committing suicide.
Lauda finem has secured audio recordings of Nurse Athol taunting his victims, exacerbating their respective mental illnesses when he must have been aware of a likely outcome – suicide.
Nurse Athols mission should he choose to accept it; – make claimants susceptible to suicide – kill themselves, or agree to exit the weekly compensation scheme through a desire to remain sane. Nurse Athol not only accepted the gruesome task, but undertook it with maniacal relish.
There was a crucial change in the Accident Compensation Act in 2010 pursuant to the import of Section 12 of the Accident Compensation Act 2010 (2010 No 1) whereby claimants that intentionally harmed themselves would not be covered by ACC unless the harm was caused by the result of a mental injury. The amendment Act came into law as at 2 March 2010. The National Party driven amendment meant that anyone that committed suicide was no longer entitled to cover. The section imported to the Act;
“119 Disentitlement for wilfully self-inflicted personal injuries and suicide
(1) The Corporation must not provide any entitlements under Shedule 1 for any of the following:
(a) a personal injury that a claimant wilfully inflicts on himself or herself, or, with intent to injure himself or herself, causes to be inflicted upon himself or herself:
(b) the death of a claimant due to an injury inflicted in the circumstances described in paragraph (a):
(c) the death of a claimant due to suicide.
(2) However, subsection (1) does not excuse the Corporation from liability to provide the claimant with entitlements for—
(a) treatment; and
(b) any ancillary service related to treatment referred to in clause 3(1) of Schedule 1.
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply if the personal injury or death was the result of—
(a) mental injury suffered because of physical injuries suffered by the claimant for which he or she had cover; or
(b) mental injury suffered by the claimant in the circumstances described in section 21 or 21(B).”
The victim that proved to be one victim too far for Nurse Athol was a New Plymouth man represented by New Zealand Justice Campaigner Dermot Nottingham, a man despised by ACC New Plymouth due to his incredibly successful record against ACC black ops.
It was Nottingham’s handling of Nurse Athol’s behavior – that we disclosed in our story – that saw the vaunted claimant hunter become the vanquished statistic of another Nottingham campaign for justice against an out of control corporation.

“Phil Murchs Fuckthug – Registered Nurse Brian Smith – gone, but we know where”
Mr Nottingham was successful at making it impossible for Nurse Athol to stay employed with ACC. Nurse Athol, as at 27 March 2013, resigned from his last post as a result of ACC realizing that nurse Athol could not continue in his role, and as such was a liability, as Nottingham pressed to have nurse Athol sacked.
Through an ACC insider, (who contacted us as a result of being a witness to some of nurse Athols behavior when stalking, taunting, and terrifying claimants), we have located where nurse Athol now works, and will be directly communicating to the New Plymouth Western Institute of Technology Taranaki (Te Kura matatani o Taranaki) or “WITT”.
We will publish our communications with WITT in due course. Lauda Finem’s first communication will be with the Chairperson of the WITT board Mary Bourke. Mary Bourke was previously a mayor of the capital of the Taranaki District and from our research loves to blow her own horn.
There’s something about Mary…..she is a recipient of the Queens Service Order for services to the gravy fucking train, for a start. In the 80’s Mary would have considered herself a young urban professional (“Yuppie”). Mary has learnt the full dictionary of buzz words, and is known as a negotiator that makes full use of the golden hammer. Mary held the mayoralty of New Plymouth for 15 years and gave up just before she received her gong.
Mary thinks so highly of herself that when she was asked to introduce herself in a Court case (where she was supposed to be an expert on council governance), she replied “I am the greatest Mayor in New Zealand”. When Mary was being cross examined, the opposing lawyer said to Mary “Surely you could give yourself a more modest introduction?” to which Mary replied “Sir I am under Oath”.
Mary allegedly went to see a shrink about her narcissism and after 3 months treatment she is, according to Mary, the nicest person you could ever hope to meet. Mary’s got her own website where Mary exaggerates her self-made success, and explains to mere mortals how she can help them be better at their jobs, but obviously never as good as Mary. But fuck Mary whats the black poodle mounting you with a cock for a tail got to do with “advocacy”.
Back to fuckthug nurse Athol. Our readership can be assured that there is no way in hell that we will be letting this violent retard loose spreading his ideology of hatred to fresh, impressionable, and naïve minds.
We will be pushing that nurse Athol “resign” from that post as well, and then we will be seeking to make nurse Athol unemployable in the English speaking world.
From what documentation we have been given by the informant victim it would appear to us that Nottingham clinically assessed Nurse Athol as suffering from narcissistic disorder and as suffering from a psychosis that was being played by Nurse Athol’s masters at ACC. The latest victim believes that nurse Athol’s direct controller was ACC Regional Manager Janet Tinson.

We are pretty sure that Janet “two head shots to be sure” Tinson loves her children, and sleeps well after counting her victims of every day before blissfully nodding off with a picture of John Key abover her bed.
But we are told by an insider in ACC’s New Plymouth branch that Tinson was not bright enough to have come up with this methodology bordering on an ideology, and that it was designed and sanctioned by the head of ACC’s RIS “suicide wish list ” squad leader, and long time ACC Oligarch, Phil Murch.

“Oligarch and fuckugly ACC RIS National Manager, and the man that had to push his fuckthug Registered Nurse Brian Smith
We totally agree with our insiders view. We are trying to get our insider to come out and give us all the emails that the insider has copied about Tinson being Murchs unwholesome whore.
The evidence that Lauda Finem holds, from various sources, indicates that the New Plymouth cell of ACC “black ops” had another ACC senior manager involved in driving the cowardly attack on the helpless claimant, the victim of nurse Athol’s criminal attacks.
The other senior manager was Ms Jenny Bowie-Broad who served on a panel controlling Nurse Athol’s criminal behavior whilst designing how it could be explained as unfortunate coincidences involving Nurse Athol and numerous claimants who had been targeted by the panel. We ask, as do all other sensible thinking antipodeans; – What drives such behavior by women that could come across as a friendly Aunt.
Women are just as susceptible as men to wanting the trappings of power, or to be driven by jealously, and according to New Zealand Justice Campaigner Nottingham Ms Bowie-Broad is a ravenous plague rat when it comes to spreading her disease of lies, deceit, jealously, incompetence, and intellectual inadequacy.
We at lauda finem know that this theory sounds a bit over the top; but the evidence suggests otherwise. Often criminal schemes involve the ingredient of inherent disbelievability. In other words who would believe that ACC would order the culling of claimants in receipt of high levels of ERC [earnings related compensation] through unlawful means involving mandated murder. Assisting suicide in such a way is murder – plain and simple.
The trouble with such animals as Nurse Athol is that sense of duty, and highly paid reward for their work, legitimises the behavior. There are clearly two sides to all psychos and Nurse Athol is no different
We are sure Nurse Smith loved to hunt –ACC claimants and their family members. Now he has an opportunity to hunt and hate nursing students. Interim CEO David May will also go as the ACC welcomes in their “chosen one” Mr Scott Pickering, to carry on as before.
We believe that Pickering has been chosen because he is a nobody on the World insurance stage and will implement the same ruthless strategies as previous CEO’s.
Pickerings warrant from the ACC board will be similar to that of ACC lying toadies Phillip Murch and Hans Verberne when they made a false complaint to the New Zealand Police that Bronwyn Pullar had tried to blackmail the two men at a meeting. Unfortunately for these two criminals the meeting was recorded and the tape given to the police. Pullar was cleared and the corrupt cops did not move to prosecute Verberne and Murch.
Pickerings pay day will be based on how many claimants he can get off the scheme by hook or by crook, and as we know all too well ACC staff such as Verberne, Murch, Tinson, and Broad, will be the crooks under his direct and indirect control. We applaud Nottinghams work in being able to force this fuckthug to resign, and we will ensure that the fuckthug is not able to repeat the behavior because everyone will be squarely warned.
Related articles
- Nurse Brian Athol Smith, ACC “attack dog” and all round “nutter” (
- ACCForum: Profiling nut-jobs, Warren Arthur Wilson aka “Duhmot.Nottingspam” (
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both sides of the story…ACC fucking over claimants, and then claimants fucking over ACC and all Kiwis. Fuck that fraudster site ACC Forum is full of ACC fraudsters