The face of cyber terror, yet another “Nigger in the wood pile“? Cyber-stalker, Ex registered nurse, Janice Karaka Clarke of ACCForum fame.
It seems that the cyber-stalking boys and girls at www.accforum.org have taken exception to our outing of the key players in their little cyber cesspool, including their leader Arrin Wislang, so this particular crew of complete clowns have decided to employ yet another conspiracy the “WordPress mass complaint Plot” Of course it pale’s in comparison to their last joint effort, “The Takapuna bomb plot” which they collectively hatched in 2009, although that too was successfully exposed in 2012 by the Team @ Lauda Finem.
With this latest attack, however, they first started on Twitter, https://twitter.com/NotLaudaFinem, and then this:
“Take hate site Lauda Finem DOWN; its real easy folk’s”
Seems these guys need their toys taken away since they can’t play nice.Go to http://en.wordpress.com/complaints/ and lodge a complaint.And soon this is all the nottingdicks will see:laudafinem.wordpress.com is no longer available.
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Posted Today, 02:31 PM
Duhmot.Nottingspam, on 11 March 2013 – 02:25 PM, said:
Seems these guys need their toys taken away since they can’t play nice.Go to http://en.wordpress.com/complaints/ and lodge a complaint.And soon this is all the nottingdicks will see:laudafinem.wordpress.com is no longer available.
This blog has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.
For more information and to contact us please read this support document
So if they are no longer available, where to from there??
Keep complaining.
Source: http://accforum.org/forums/index.php?/topic/14657-take-hate-site-lauda-finem-down/
More to come readers………..
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No Comments
Mr Nottingham, just to be clear.
We never wished you any harm and we certainly didn’t want it to come to this.
Yet more “roast mutton” appears online? Are the six members of http://www.accforum.org all completely stupid? It would seem so! THE ANXIETY MUST BE SO OVERWHELMING? Mr Arrin and Bridget Wislang of the Ballarat Health Service are looking more guilty by the day, keep smiling folks ;-)!
Knock knock….
Who’s there?
The Police Mr Nottingham, please open the door so we can have a word with you.
Call it a premonition.
We did advise you to stop defaming innocent people Mr Nottingham.
Oh Dear Babe,
Aren’t you the cute little pig from that movie, whats it called? Or yet another sort of Pig/fucktard from http://www.accforum.org thats been on the “moonshine” again?
Baa Baa Baa —- your online bleatings will soon come to an end. Word Press probably like you as you pay them $, this will not stop the abuse forums from flooding into Word Press HQ.
I read on http://www.accforum.org that your mate “research/cyberbully” is on an extended time out, good on the Admin of this forum.
Hi Black Sheep are you a crystal meth smoker? http://www.accforum.org (s) so called member complaints to wordpress are of little value because it was seen as nothing more than an attack on this blog, one that your IDIOT membership stupidly advertised as such; talk about fuck-tards, save your bullshit rhetoric for your own shite site’s readership; all six of them. By the way why is it that you idiots always use proxy servers; no guts perhaps? Keep up the good work “charred mutton” team lauda are enjoying the screen grabs and will continue to do so. Feel free to comment again when you’re out of rehab ice head.
Who the hell is Marakita? Anyhoo, you’re not known for your accurate investigation powers which is where I come in – slander my friends is not nice or particularly legal.
Keep it coming, in fact heat things up a bit fellas – you’re losing what touch you had. I went to your facebook site to grab your defamatory screen shots but not a single person comments oyour posts. Do you realise your lack of talent is just making things harder for me. To prove defamation we need evidence other people have read the information.
Antony, your career is over before it started my lad. You boys finally bit something you won’t be able to chew and I am personally going to ensure you choke.
Later babes xxx
Would anyone other than Marakita Mehmet care you fucking idiot, later BABE, Tony Armstrong wants to meet up in person here in Gympie, you up for it BABE, we’ll of course make a few cultural provisions for your “KIWI” “aboriginality”, like yeah bro:
Grab a ice cold coke boys, it’s going to get very hot over the coming few months.
Antony would know, the wheels of justice turn slowly but they do turn.
G’day Marakita Mehmet, we’ve had the Esky out for months honey, but we don’t drink Coke as a coroner recently concluded that it can result in death. The beers however are restocked daily and we sup very slowly (unlike you alcho’s) as we watch you all roast very slowly in cyber hell; just like your victims have been 😉
These noble warriors have turned their eyes upon thee and together they will bring team @ lauda crashing to their pimply knees. Team@lauda do not insult these chosen ones, they have great words of wisdom to impart, harken and listen to their words, may it be sweet music in your wax filled hairy ears. Desist from your malevolence and remove thine pages of vile filth and regurgitation from the Internet.
Hey Timmy show me some love you are far too bitter and twisted…………………..
love the dance tunes Rossco
Hey Rossco do you think these cunts are capable of dancing?
Line dancing possibly????????????? Then again sorry no chance they are even too stupid for that..
I thought the two girls kissing would help Mr & Mrs Wislang get over their prejudices perhaps this would help instead.
Seriously though Timmy how do you religious shitbags become soooooooo fucking EVIL?
Are you SATAN mascarading as a christian or what? I think so. You people are so EVIL you give SATAN a bad name my boy.