ACC Forum: Fran van Helmond’s brother Henk in the doc pleading guilty to cyberbullying and using twitter to send death threats to NZ politicians
Fran van Helmond (who we first did an article on on 2011) just like like his convicted brother Henk, has created another massive twitter blunder and just like his brother Henk has been using the web to generate hate and vitriol (Fran of course, just like Mark Davis, considers himself a webmaster).
Readers will remember Fran’s brother Henk who’s latest venture we here at Lauda Finem recently had the pleasure of destroying; www.cyfstalk.org.
As it turns out part of Henk van Helmond’s parole was that he was not to go near a computer with an internet connection……but he did and we caught him red handed at it along with his brother Fran (alerted by one of our facebook readers who was a current victim of the van Hemonds online harrassment).
Fran of course, trying to excuse his strange social media strategy and the resultant absence from Facebook, claimed on his recently acquired web forum www.accforum.org:
Yes, having the tweeter button is useful.
I have mine located in the header/top of my browser. Twittered many forum posts over the years.
Great to get media’s or mp’s attention. There are currently 277 following the “ACC_tweeter” feed.
Facebook I removed because of all the viruses, and scams/spam being sent from there.
Source: http://accforum.org/forums/index.php?/topic/14258-thanks-for-the-tweet-and-facebook-buttons/
But Fran is of course a bully and complete dumbfuck who likes to blame others for his own stupidity. You see in his rush to hit back at who he believed had outed him and his brother Fran van Helmond installed a twitter feed on www.accforum.org that actually went to Fran’s other cyber bulling websites twitter account www.acclaimwaikato.org which will undoubtedly soon be removed; but of course its to late for the van Helmond brother’s. The evidence has already been collected and in due course will be used to prosecute the accforum members involved, members that we will be naming in a later post:
Fran van Helmond for some reason, as already mentioned, has recently acquired control of the web-forum www.accforum.org from Aaron Wislang (as is evidenced by van Helmond’s ability to install functions such as twitter), but just like the departed Mr Aaron Wislang, Mr van Helmond is only to pleased to continue with the sites tradition of confusing defamation with “free speech”; a behaviour which of course obviously runs in the the van Helmond gene’s.
Following the posting of a few of our articles we here at Lauda Finem were contacted by a “Dr Tom”, a renowned American academic psychologist with an interest in the field of online communication………..but there is more to come with that developing story; however as a precursor our readers should look at the links and screen-grabs below: