“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
― Benjamin Disraeli
There’s one key indicator that always points to corruption in New Zealand and that particular indicator has again today appeared in a warning glory red-light with Peter Marshall’s appointing of the National Party’s favourite cover-up queen, Kristy McDonald QC to investigate the polices’s involvement with the GCSB’s illegal spying.
McDonald just love’s bent cops, she came to the public’s attention recently whilst working to cover-up the jobs for the “good ol boys” scandal at the REAA. In that case she and another National party lackie, crown lawyer at the time, Sarn Herdson had been behind the hiring of bent cop Jonathan Moss as the REAA’s head of investigations.
The Police Commissioner, Peter Marshall, must be a total fuckwit; to have wheeled McDonald and her “Nelsonian eye” out into the public gaze so soon after the REAA debacle, Marshall obviously does not read much in the way of web content.
Marshall waxed lyrical on McDonald’s legal qualifications, not that they had any bearing whatsoever on his decision to engage her in the first place:
Thick as pig-shit or troppo; having spent a couple of years in the Solomon Islands? New Zealand’s Police Commissioner: Peter Marshall
Its not McDonald’s 30 years of experience in law that concerns us, its the years of practice and experience she’s had in burying corrupt police behaviour and the Nelsonian eye she is bound to apply to Marshall’s purported “oversight”.
We’re wetting ourselves with anticipation; just what sort of writhing spin will McDonald use this time so as to exculpate this, the latest, in a long run of corrupt police practice. Its no wonder John Keys pocket boy Keith Manch wanted the internet shut down. Manch was of course also Kirsty McDonalds registrar at the REAA, put there by Nathan Guy to assist McDonald with the burial of the moss Scandal. Manch has a magical way with official documents which has assisted Nathan Guy no end in the past; he is able to make them appear invisible or in fact simply vanish.
Whatever tactic McDonald employs on this occasion, one thing is now beyond any doubt; McDonald’s sudden appearance is evidence enough that the police force and its new Commissioner have been up to no good in the Kim Dotcom case, more “Good Ol Boy” relationships?
Note: its also important that readers look at this more recent post: “Telecom New Zealand, Police, GCSB and Mark William Doyle, a man with a very shady past”.
Disgraced cop faces criminal inquiry – national (Stuff.co.nz)
Police to investigate GCSB over Kim Dotcom spying (TVNZ)
Senior policeman resigns over old work affair – National (NZ Herald)
Top officer kept claims secret (NZ Herald)
Police won’t say what top Dotcom cop knew (NZ Herald)
A different Rhode to success – recruits graduate Thursday 26 July (police gazette)
Related articles
- Police investigating Green’s complaint (NZ Herald)
- Scandal rocks Real Estate Agents Authority (NBR)
- The Scott Watson Case, Kristy McDonald QC and yet another serious conflict of interest (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- The REAA; lies,delusion, politicians and willful blindness (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- Bent cops never go away, they just turn up somewhere else (KIWIKILEAKS)
- Inspector Grant Wormald, corrupt, thick as pig-shit or participant in a Criminal Group? (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- REAA: A letter to Ms Anna Tierney (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- Dotcom saga rebounds on Key Government (stuff.co.nz)
- The Scott Watson Case, Kristy McDonald QC and yet another serious conflict of interest (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- Dotcom: the men in black, the boys from the GCSB (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- Dotcom saga sucks in leaders, police, spies (nzherald.co.nz)
- Dotcom: NZ Police, bumbling “keystone cops” or systemically corrupt (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
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This is bloody hilarious!
“Peter Marshall must be a total fuckwit”. Love the Dukes of Hazzard theme song. xD
fuck i laughed and laughed. Who does marshall think that cronie McDonald is. i read your post on her about the REAA as well. Looks like she is entirely corrupt. I am embarrassed to be a New Zealander.