By the look of her yet another National Party member? Boag look-alike and ex bankrupt: Ms Carol Withey
Soon after we started investigating this story (one of our many up coming posts), we became concerned that some consumers might miss out on the opportunity to tell their stories (given the share volume of material we had received from the New Zealander’s involved, yes we had obtained names and addresses). Then we asked ourselves another obvious question; just what exactly is it that New Zealand’s REAA is being paid to police? Whatever their mandate they don’t appear to have been particularly proactive!
Described by the official assignee’s office as “the last nail in the coffin”. Lauda Finem have just received covert footage of double dealing Latvian, Real Estate agent Julia Wilson, the ex wife of now bankrupt Warren Arthur Wilson (the dodgey liquidator of Malcolm Mayer’s Sagecorp), attempting to push through a deal with yet another dodgey property wannabe, the twice bankrupted and banned company director Peter Louis Chevin:

Smile you’re on candid camera: screen grab from the covert video footage of real estate agent Julija Wilson (the ex-wife of Sagecorp’s dodgy liquidator Warren Wilson) and twice bankrupted, banned company director Peter Louis Chevin attempting to pull off a dishonest property deal.
There’s a lot more to this story than meets the eye; including successive court cameo’s by dodgey liquidator Warren Arthur Wilson employing, by design, stalling tactics using malicious retaliatory behaviour in numerous attempts to exculpate himself and his now bankrupted mates, the latest of which has inveigled New Zealand’s Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA).
But before we go on to post our next article in the Malcolm Mayer Sage Corpse saga, we thought that we would give readers the opportunity to participate, we would like to hear from anyone that may have been taken for a ride by the following individuals and or their associated companies:
Malcolm Duncan Mayer
Zone Real estate
Key Realty
Brent Clode
Lance Gilbertson
Sage Corp
Warren Arthur Wilson
Julija Wilson
Peter Louis Chevin
Carol Withy
Peter Weinstock
L J Hooker Ponsonby
We simply ask our readers to check out the urls below, then do some Google research; or email us with your info and we’ll do the rest:
Do you now more? email: laudafinem@bigpond.com
Related articles
- Unlicensed real estate agent in court (nzherald.co.nz)
- New ACC board loaded with Hatchet-men and National Party stooges (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- Mayer mortgage fraud – Judge not up to it, trial aborted (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- The Scott Watson Case, Kristy McDonald QC and yet another serious conflict of interest (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- Mayer mortgage fraud trial aborted (stuff.co.nz)