Video still: David Butler, Super Grass, and “epitaph” bikie! The man who dropped his guts supplying information that will leave Arrin Wislang the owner of www.accforum.org with a lasting stench likely to impoverish him and his followers for life following legal action!
Merry Christmas, its now Christmas day and Santa’s been, we know that many readers from www.accforum.org have been waiting with baited breath. In particular “Douche ex machina” , from the deep south of New Zealand, he’s been incredibly impatient for this post to arrive along with with Santa’s other nasty surprises.
As regular readers of our blog will have already read the 1st day of November (in the year of our Lord) 2011 will live in infamy for some, and celebration, for others, as the day “Laudaman” landed in the criminally saturated New Zealand website www.accforum.org (ACCforum).

Antony Kenneth Paul Miller, aka Tomcat, Paul Kenneth Anthony, Milan Frank Antonievich, Robert Paul Kenneth Antony, Paul Kenneth Miller, Robert Paul Kenneth Miller, Milan Frank Ranaic, Milan Frank Ranak,
On that memorable date Laudaman posted on ACCforum the story of a bent cop turned psychologist. Apparently just another story, but not quite.
For well over twelve months Laudaman had been monitoring and researching the website www.accforum.org. Our interest had grown considerably due to:
1. Our awareness that the site had been founded by the members of a conspiracy to cowardly bomb ACC’s Takapuna Office in Auckland New Zealand (the plots alleged intention was to kill every employee as they assembled for a false fire alarm activation. We assess as best we can from Australia that the kill expectation was in excess of 100 fellow New Zealanders).
2. A significant number of persons (we refer to them as victims) had activated our interest making allegations that ACCforum members were harassing them. These victims included ACC staff, ACC contractors, and ACC advocates. The harassment included late night phone calls and untraceable emails threatening significant harm to others. The information we obtained from these people was considerable. It included a significant number of files, photo’s, and “other information” we have exposed, and are yet to expose.
3. The sites focus seemed to be defaming medical professionals whom had had members thrown off ACC [for being fit to work), or advocates who had refused to represent convicted ACC fraudsters commit further fraud against ACC and others. And at times the criminal posters involved turned on each other, which occurrence was to prove of exceptional value. We did wonder why a government organisation had not moved earlier to shut the site down and arrest its administrator Arrin Wislang.

Nasty little fat boy and fraudster Douglas James Weal Our volunteers spent many hours profiling the “anonymous” members of www.accforum.org. In particular a small but select group of individuals attracted our interest, all regular posters on that site, which we had managed to identify as the likely trouble-makers in late August 2011 and our plan was to get these cowards back on line to feed on another carcass.
One of the key factors Laudaman targeted (for the benefit of the victims of criminal harassment) was the ownership and/or administration of the site by:
1. Disgraced medical doctor, and friend of Alan Thomas (guilty of misrepresenting he was a certified doctor in order to obtain prescription drugs for use), Miles Wislang (Note:Wislang’s suspension may have been a miscarriage of justice)
2. Convicted ACC fraudster (22 convictions) and “Takapuna Bomb Plot” conspirator Alan Thomas, (ran several companies whilst in receipt of ACC) seven time alias (put in names), 33 time convicted serial violent offender, fraudster and thief, Kenneth Miller, (we have profiled this man as being likely to have committed hundreds of serious crimes, and whom we know to be still committing most serious offending).
3. And last, but definitely not least, Epitaph Gang Member, blackmailer, liar, and serial thief, David Butler of Cheviot, Canterbury.
We named the operation to discover the names of the principle offenders (Harassment Act 1997 and Crimes Act 1961 ) using the website ACCforum (as their vehicle of harassment) “Operation turkey shoot”, so named because of the operations similarity to the rural American meaning;
“A turkey shoot is an opportunity for an individual or a party to very easily take advantage of a situation.
The term likely originates from a method of hunting wild turkeys in which the hunter coming upon a flock, intentionally scatters them. Once the flock is scattered, the hunter sets up and waits, as the scattered flock will return to that point individually, making them easy targets.”
As we understand New Zealand’s Harassment Act 1997 is similar to the United Kingdoms “Protection From Harassment Act 1997” and seeks to protect persons from a fairly vast range of unwanted behaviour, such as someone following you, hanging around outside your home or workplace, repeatedly phoning, texting, emailing, or writing to you, or coming onto your property, or any other such act that may cause you to fear for your safety. This may include repetitively defaming you or posting your details, true or untrue, on a website.
We assess the term “harassment” as having a broad meaning under the Harassment Act. The Act recognises behaviour that may seem innocent or trivial on its own may amount to harassment when seen in context.
As we understand the New Zealand harassment law the Act stipulates that there are two types of legal redress that can be obtained. The first more serious type of harassment is criminal harassment. In these cases the person doing the harassing can be arrested and charged in the criminal Courts. If they’re convicted, they can be imprisoned.
In Australia we have many Acts that deal with harassment that likely cover all possible eventualities including both civil and criminal (inclusive of offenses committed off shore by Australian residents). We expect that the criminal act of harassment, the harasser must have intended to make the victim fear for their safety, or have known that the harassment was likely to make them fear for their safety.
The second less serious type of harassment covered in the New Zealand Act is classified as civil harassment. A victim of civil harassment can apply to the District Court for a restraining order against the other person. A restraining order doesn’t give the harasser a criminal record, but it’s a criminal offence to disobey the order. A restraining order can be made in serious cases were criminal charges are also brought, and in less serious cases that don’t amount to criminal harassment.
For civil harassment the test looks only at how the harassment affects the victim, not at what the harasser intended. The behaviour must have caused the victim distress, rather than fear, and must have been likely to cause distress to a reasonable person.
As will become obvious the key protagonists are guilty of both civil and criminal harassment, and in some circumstances far more serious offending as conspiring to bring a false accusation. The New Zealand Crimes Act 1961 provides section 115 for that purpose;
Conspiring to bring false accusation:
1. Every one who conspires to prosecute any person for any alleged offence, knowing that person to be innocent thereof, is liable—
(a) to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years if that person might, on conviction of the alleged offence, be sentenced to preventive detention, or to imprisonment for a term of 3 years or more:
(b) to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years if that person might, on conviction of the alleged offence, be sentenced to imprisonment for a term less than 3 years.
Operation “Turkey Shoot” had commenced in the early hours (AEST) with the posting of a story about James Kenneth Cunningham, previously a bent copper, who had successfully rebirthed as a “bent” psychologist contracted to provide assessments for Accident Compensation Corporation claimants, following his disgraced and criminal flight from justice and departure from the New Zealand Police force in 1991.
Cunningham was a true Kiwi cop in the indomitable 1980’s style; body shirt, rapist, bully, but deep, deep down a total “psycho cop”. Pretty much like Queensland’s copper’s during the same period, but apparently much much worse. Rape seemed to be the most alluring of crimes for New Zealand coppers. As you have read on this site Cunningham makes convicted rapist cops Schollum and Shipton look like angels.
The Cunningham story, whilst factually accurate, was, however, a lure; a ruse released at a specific time for a very specific purpose, designed to seamlessly dove-tail into a far more important investigation and the subsequent story. We knew that our targets were all crims, and as such cop haters.
Laudaman had accurately anticipated the reception the post would receive. ACCforum went absolutely nuts. Well, to be more accurate, the nuts went nuts.
Laudaman can now, for the first time, name the conspirators involved in the bomb plot to kill over a hundred ACC staff, (known as the “pyscho six”), as all founding members of ACCforum being;
- Alan Thomas of Auckland (unemployed convicted ACC fraudster), and;
- Miles and Arrin Wislang [Miles unemployed, suspended from the medical practitioners register, and website owners and operators), and;
- Kenneth Miller of various abodes [ACC beneficiary and serial property and violent offender and website owner and operator), and;
- Mark Davis of various abodes [self proclaimed gang member], and;
- Douglas Weal of various abodes (multiple director of failed companies and wholly dishonest businessman), and;
- Dave Butler (ex gang member of the criminal “epitaph riders”, liar, false accuser, and current thief of Resene paints Products) of Cheviot Canterbury,

Arrin Wislang, GCSB operative; now working here in Australia, for the Ballarat Health Service
The activities on ACCforum had also been brought to our attention by yet another small group of individuals, all supporters of a local New Zealand justice campaigner, Mr Dermot Nottingham who it would seem had been seriously damaged by the covert machinations of the aforementioned trouble-makers on www.accforum.org.
Our research on Mr Nottingham had established that his story was a history of utilising quite unorthodox methods in investigating and exposing corruption, large scale frauds and serious cases of injustice. Nottingham had honed his skills in the 80’s in both New Zealand and Australia wherein he would seem to be part of the criminal groups “activities”, or would lure the participants into his trust by seeming to be “worthwhile” new and assertive member of the “activity”.
Given that Nottingham has never had access to the resources ex-police turned private investigators enjoy the ploys he’d developed have drawn some exceptional results. In doing so, however, he has also attracted his fair share of enemies, most of whom we would classify as out and out nut jobs.
That being said, however, Nottingham had also attracted the ire of those that were far from nut job’s, people who definitely knew better, various individuals associated with the Police and a handful of bent politician’s and their minion’s who had, and still do wield a great deal of power, with no apparent fear of abusing it whilst in office, hiding behind New Zealand’s own unique Behemoth, it’s civil service.
As with Nottinghams methods of exposing billion dollar odometer and immigration scams he used similar tactics in the case at hand which outed criminal ACC fraudsters Evonne Puru, Dave Butler, and Colleen Limmer. In 2005 when Nottingham first met Butler, Butler had a “bad back”. Now he remains on ACC because he is according to Mr Butler “severely brain injured”. After trolling through twelve hours of video tape of Mr Butler we can assure our readership that Mr Butler is “damaged goods” but not from a blow to the head.

Alan Thomas, criminal fraudster and mastermind of the Takapuna Bomb Plot – If you’re out there Mr Thomas get in touch we’d like to hear your side of the story
The problems for Nottingham had arisen when these two groups started workisung together, in that those that should have known better, the corrupt civil servants, had started to use the false information supplied by the nutters. It could no longer be ignored, in fact it was time to get to the bottom of it all.
Some of those corrupt men and women had been, and in some cases still are, employee’s of New Zealands Accident Compensation Corporation, a state owned Corporation and were concealing the false and offending material using the privacy act. Others who worked for ACC had moved on to other areas of the Governments self serving support team and were undoubtedly promulgating the defamation’s to serve their own purposes. One in particular, Mr Gerard McGreevy, who had transferred in December 2008 to the Ministry of Justice.
We had managed to ascertain that the aforementioned forum had far more monikers in use than actual membership. The key players used a number of monikers, in some threads it seemed that there were many members posting when in fact it was the same individuals. This habit would of course have been known to the sites administrator Mr Arrin Wislang as he had access to the IP addresses of these so called members. Therefore Arrin Wislang is a key protagonist in “controlling” the extent of the harassment against literally hundreds of innocent New Zealanders that were just doing their jobs to the best of their abilities. Wislang, like Butler, and all of the other participants, had a significant chip on his shoulder, and was a sociopath.
One good example of this one person with multiple online personalities is a new member “Deus ex machina”, who appears to have joined very recently on the 17th December 2011, and yet he has an extraordinary knowledge of a Fairgo story that older members of the site were promulgating in mid June 2007.
“Deus ex machina“ has also expressed an opinion on the Alan Thomas case that dates from 2008 opinions that strangely mirror those of Mr Douglas Weal, Alan Thomas’s accuser in the Takapuna Bomb Plot, opinions expressed using Weals many monikers, “Space Cadet”, “Blogs” and “Southern man”.
Who ever “Deus ex machina” is, he is clearly not at all whom he would have others believe him to be, mind you that comes as no surprise. The ruse of using multiple online identities so as to push the same mostly bullying, threatening, and clearly criminal agenda is an obvious hallmark of the key members who use the forum. But Douglas Weal has been particularly active. But again it is Arrin Wislang that is the “controller” of the site and therefore mostly responsible, as without the sites behaviour, which he is solely ultimately responsible for, none of the online offending would have occurred.
In fact all of these New Zealand anti Accident Compensation Corporation sites are operated and coordinated by members of the same select cabal; www.acclaim-waikato.org for example is operated by Fransiscus Van Helmond, aka “Blurb”, also an advanced member on www.accforum.org. www.accfocus.org is run by Kenneth Miller, and Mark Davis, with earlier input from Douglas Weal.
These men and women think themselves clever. The truth is that are far from intellectuals. We know that “Deus ex machina” is closer to the stories than he’s letting on, hence the need for smoke and mirrors so as to shift the focus from their own criminal behaviour.
That’s right readers, our stories are not about injured or abused people, as they would have ACCforums other readers believe, they’re about a series of criminal conspiracies involving people that have nothing seriously wrong with them, and whom could work 40 hours, and do work 40 hours a week, defrauding ACC.
The most active members of ACCforum are serious bullies, accomplished liars and manipulators, who have learnt to feign empathy so as to manipulate and control those that have truly suffered.
The knowledge they acquire in the forum is then put to good use in their efforts to pull the wool over the eyes of ACC’s medical assessment teams on their own fraudulent claims. The forum is therefore, in their eyes, their territory and to be protected at any cost.
On occasion the viciousness of their attacks, on unwitting (genuine) members anyone they perceived as a threat is quite extraordinary, the language used is clearly designed to intimidate and protect territory, not at all dissimilar behaviour to a dog pissing on a tree.
These people all have two things in common. They are malingerer’s, addicted to the power the forums give them and as a result tend to live their tragic existence through the internet, even to the extent that their social lives are organised through the chat rooms. We have footage of a chat room in session with Arrin Wislang trying to communicate with a member he perceives as being one of Laudamans operatives wherein he tries to exculpate his involvement in the criminal harassment of innocent persons. That footage was then turned over to us.
The second common denominator is to be found in the groups personalities. All display varying degrees of psychopathy and or antisocial personality disorder. They’re totally addicted to the power to harass and abuse without fear of retaliation because of their anonymous status afforded to them, and protected by Arrin Wislang.
We suspect, more importantly to this group of bullies, the degree to which they are described by Wislang as “advanced members” (whom Wislang promotes as being trustworthy and otherwise genuine members through him ranking the participants), affirms their individual and joint (or pack) self worth. The use of multiple personalities identities enables their psychopathic behaviour to reach dangerous (or explosive) levels and is indicative of very serious psychological disturbance. The fact that Arrin Wislang allows this malignant “growth” to occur through his website would indicate that ArrinWislang suffers from a particularly strong and malevolent psychosis.
“showing or wishing to do evil to others”
“a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality”
In some cases this behavior may well be explained with recent research that points to frontal lobe damage resulting in psychopathic behaviour’s remarkably similar to convicted criminal offenders, who have been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder with highly psychopathic tendencies. However none of the members that we have researched have suffered from such any significant injury. However it would appear that these persons have “found each other” through either ACCforum, or previously knew each other as in the case of Arrin and Miles Wislang and Alan Thomas whom were in business together transplanting human hair and supplying drugs obtained illegally.
So in the end it would appear that we are left with a group of individuals who are just good old fashioned garden variety criminals.
We also saw that there had at some point been a split in the group of bullies with David Butler (AKA “Hardwired”) becoming the subject of quite nasty attacks and ridicule that appeared to have been aimed at David Butler because of his assertion that Alan Thomas, another member of the group of bullies, had been wrongly convicted of attempting to Bomb ACC’s Takapuna Office. Whilst this infighting went on David Butler (who also used two other personalities on the forum) decided on occasion to use his real name.
Whilst we intended using these pre-existing tensions to our advantage at the time we had no knowledge that Alan Thomas who had been involved in the purported Takapuna bomb plot was likely actually falsely accused by the criminal groups members Kenneth Miller and Douglas Weal.
Unfortunately for Alan Thomas those allegations of Thomas being falsely accused came from self- confessed chronic liar David Butler.
But having said that we do believe that Butler has given very honest statements about numerous things. The things that he has lied about we have proved as lies, probably stated by Butler in order that others involved in his dishonest and diabolical actions against all number of innocent persons remained undiscovered. Unfortunately for the sites criminal group, which Butler has probably now joined again, there is another party that has come over to the good side, fearful that they will be charged with harassment.
Our plan called for the Cunningham article to be posted, with an irritant or antagonist pushing the story on ACCforum. We had seen that the bullying members intensely disliked new members coming on to the site and “being assertive” on what the bullies perceived was their dirt.
Hopefully if all went to plan that would cause the protagonists to fire up and start lashing out, we hoped eventually at each other. We wanted the key players, those who had been responsible for the malicious attacks on Nottingham over the past decade, to have another crack at him, in short the strategy worked.
Within hours our irritant had been savagely attacked with the groups members trying to belittle what was a very important story if they were a group of genuinely injured persons.
Within days a number of the nastier members had attacked Nottingham to varying degree’s, some accusing him of being Lauda Finem. Soon after they started attacking each other. One member, who had previously been in the inner circle, was angered enough at the fresh attacks to swallow his pride and contact Nottingham (Surprisingly asking for Nottingham’s assistance in righting what he believed to be the wrongful conviction of Alan Thomas).
That member was of course David Butler, whose distressed plea for assistance was no doubt driven by guilt, as Butler, in our view, had undoubtedly been a key player in plotting Alan Thomas’s fall from grace, although not quite in the manner it had eventually played out. The result of Thomas being allegedly wrongly convicted was supposedly totally unforeseen by Butler. We do believe that Butler had been used to some extent by Weal.
Unlike Douglas Weal and Kenneth Miller we believe that Butler had never intended police involvement, or for Thomas to have been falsely accused, charged and convicted of such serious offenses.
Butler also knew that when he contacted Nottingham he’d have to explain his part in the past defamations against Nottingham, which he subsequently did. As stated Laudaman has obtained twelve hours of video footage wherein Butler explains in great detail exactly what had transpired behind the scenes over a ten year period, and just as importantly who his co-conspirators were .
Butler outed Douglas Weal, Kenneth Miller, Tony Lowe, Christine Thomas, Helen Miken, Mark Davis, Franciscus Van Helmond, Miles and Arrin Wislang, and of course himself amongst the many others who had been party to various conspiracies against numerous innocent persons, including against Nottingham.
Butler detailed the various plots against Nottingham and others (to an incredibly restrained Nottingham) and supplied (to Nottingham) the correspondence, containing false allegations against Nottingham and others that had been sent to key management personal at the Accident Compensation Corporation with the intention of damaging the intended victims. In particular this group of criminals falsely accused Nottingham, in order that his reputation, and the reputation of an organisation he was involved in as an advocate; ACC Union was destroyed.
On video Butler further details the motives for the cabals behaviour, to destroy ACC Union Limited and Nottingham’s credibility so as to protect a number of ACC fraudsters, amongst them Evonne Puru and Colleen Limmer. Butler would, before too long, again revert to attempting to blackmail Nottingham with further false allegations.
When probed butler accuses Kenneth Miller of acting out of jealousy, feeling threatened by ACC Unions initial success and rapid growth at the expense of Millers precious Forum and expansion plans. Again it would seem that Miller was acting as an agent for another being Arrin Wislang.
Butler accuses Miller of serious criminal offending, he alleges that Miller had attempted to have him to sign a letter of complaint against Nottingham, falsely alleging fraud. Butler further alleges that when he refused to co-operate Miller then, having never meet Nottingham and knowing the allegations to be false, signed the letter himself and forwarded it to a senior manager at the Accident Compensation Corporation – Butler has supplied a copy of that document complete with Millers signature. But getting this letter was like pulling teeth.
Butler accuses another forum member, Tony Lowe, of having sent a “dossier” in digital format (also containing false and malicious information) on Nottingham to Mike Spraggon at ACC, to be forwarded to head office. Butler’s claim is supported by an email from Tony Lowe to Butler in which Lowe acknowledges the events.
Butler outs Douglas Weal, Kenneth Miller, Colleen Limmer, Evonne Puru, and himself as having jointly and severally conspired to inveigle TVNZ and their journalist Simon Mercep in the production of a Fairgo program designed to harm Nottingham.
Butler also admits inducing ACC by false pretense into releasing privacy act protected correspondence that he had no lawful right too, for the purpose of publishing that information on www.accforum.org so as to harm Nottingham’s reputation as an advocate. The false allegations contained in the ACC letter alleging Nottingham was a threat to the safety of ACC claimants and staff were in fact the work of Butler and others within his criminal group. In fact Butler clarifies that by describing Nottingham to ACC as dangerous he meant that Nottingham was a “classly and brilliant” advocate, a strange figure of speech, but remember Butler is after all a brain damaged ex bikie.
Butler admits to conspiring with Weal, Miller and Christine Thomas to set in motion events that would harm another advocate, Eric McLaughlin.
Butlers role in this particular conspiracy must have been significant as it appears that Miller and Weal, who now have it in for him, are using the extent of Butlers participation and the threat to out both him and conspirator Christine Thomas in an attempt to silence him on the Alan Thomas matter This behaviour is more commonly known as blackmail. But Weal and Miller could always call Butler on “the pot calling the kettle black” on the issue of blackmail; David Butler, the ex gang member is very much a practised professional in that regard.
Butler admits to conspiring with Tony Lowe so as to obtain access to a computer terminal at ACC’s Manakau branch office, so as to access the corporation’s database, using ACC managers Janet Tinson and Sandra McMurdo, According to Butler, apparently, Sandra McMurdo had a very cosy relationship with Mr Tony Lowe.
Interestingly Sandra McMurdo was also deeply involved in the prosecutions case in the Takapuna bomb plot, having made some nasty, we would even say prejudicial, observations of Alan Thomas and his behaviour in her correspondence with investigators.
Butler admits to conspiring with Tony Lowe in the exchange of information inveigling a car dealer known to Nottingham, Rodney Milner, in a brazen attempt to cause Nottingham even more serious harm.
Tony Lowe knew Rodney Milner personally, he also knew that Milner had a history of having made false allegations against Nottingham and that Milner would do anything to harm Nottingham as pay back subsequent to the odometer scandal that rocked the New Zealand used car industry, in which Mr Rod Milner had been named by Nottingham and accused of large scale odometer fraud in his book Car Wars. Milner had to pay out hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation after Nottingham travelled to Japan and obtained documents that proved that Milners protestations of innocence were somewhat impossible.
Milner retaliated by alleging that someone saw a man who looked like Nottingham breaking car windscreens on his yard. Unfortunately for Mr Milner the man left a lot of blood and subsequent DNA tests cleared Nottingham of any wrong doing. The public outing of Milners business practices cost Milner, according to court documents, when he attempted to sue Nottingham, over a million dollars. Milners Lawyer David Jones QC made all sorts of outrageous allegations against Nottingham; Nottingham defending himself, dealt with each allegation carefully, ultimately relegating Mr Rodney Milner’s bogus tort action into the realm of oblivion.
After Butler provided the information we had sought to obtain he then asked Nottingham to provide a written indemnity against prosecution, whilst pleading for assistance in having Thomas’s bomb plot convictions overturned.
Nottingham agreed to the indemnity providing it specifically listed the offending that Butler had admitted to. That was agreed to by Butler. Nottingham signed the indemnity and forwarded it to be signed by Butler, Butler however stalled, saying that he had signed it but had not had time to fax it back.
Reading between the lines we believe that Butler had received further threats from Douglas Weal and Kenneth Miller, we can only assume surrounding his involvement in the conspiracy to destroy Eric McLaughlin.
Yesterday, after more than a week of stalling, Butler finally reneged on the agreement and refused to provide the additional evidential documents he had promised to send, not realising that the twelve hours of discussions had in fact been video taped by another whilst Nottingham and Butler were on Skype.
The criminals behind these conspiracies, still believing that Dermot Nottingham and Lauda Finem are one in the same have been sending threatening emails to us here in Australia. The tone of those emails is clearly designed to intimidate, one going so far as to threaten to stalk Mr Dermot Nottingham and members of his immediate family. Sounds like yet another “plot to kill” to us.
Here in Australia this behaviour is considered criminal and is punishable with a term of imprisonment. As already stated the same applies under New Zealand law, its to be found in Section 8 of the Harrassment Act 1997.
For years these individuals have threatened, blackmailed, bullied and made false allegations against ACC staff, medical practitioners and advocates, in fact all number of people whilst hiding behind the relative safety of www.accforum.org and its “freedom of speech” loving administrator Arrin Wislang.
Now that they have been outed they have unwisely continued to use the same modus operandi, their malicious attacks, intimidation and blackmail. This time the offending is committed outside their precious forum, run by Arrin Wislang, and therefore Mr Wislang can no longer, with any conscience, continue to conceal their true identities.
We would like to ask this question of our readers, is this the behaviour of people with nothing to hide? Of course its not! This is what one would expect of a psychopath that was comfortable making threats and false allegations and somewhat prone to uncontrollable outbreaks of rage and vendetta. When you here how David Butler goes off the deep end screaming threats at Nottingham you will well understand that these sociopaths were more than likely to conspire to kill one or many more people, or at least “dream” of that occurrence becoming a reality.
How unhinged the group is, is yet to be seen but the treats levelled by Butler are serious threats as against Nottingham relating to Butler wanting Nottingham not to release the tapes. The tapes see Butler admitting to serious criminal offending including theft, blackmail, and conspiracy to falsely accuse.
Fortunately for Nottingham the tapes were released before Butler went berserk, and so the decision whether or not to release is no longer with Nottingham.
In essence Butler is a fool and has made threats to release ‘further information” on Nottingham. But what Butler does not understand is that the reason why Nottingham refused to work with him and Limmer is that Nottingham used the very same ruse to ascertain just how dishonest Butler and Limmer were and the ruse worked. Butler knew about this as Nottingham told him straight to his face and that is why Butler in 2006 decided to show Mr Nottingham “how he could fuck his life up”.
The conspiratorial behaviour, the level of malice, the false allegations against Nottingham and many innocent victims, all committed to paper and forwarded, without fear of discovery, to faceless managers at ACC, the share scale of this criminal endeavour is mind boggling, it also undoubtedly points to the likelihood of criminal conspiracy in which Alan Thomas was also almost certainly framed.
But should society have any concern for Alan Thomas being wrongly convicted as Thomas was happy to talk about Killing Hundreds of ACC workers, and Weal, Butler, and Miller were happy to listen to these “dreams” whilst they ‘set up’ Thomas to take a fall. It is just as likely that they were all involved in the initial “dreaming” up of various schemes to kill as the evidence that Laudaman holds could prove such a theory “ringing very much true”.
In conclusion, on the evidence contained in the video footage and documents supplied by Butler we believe that, in the case of Mr Nottingham, Weal, Miller, Butler, and particularly Wislang, are prima facie culpable of very serious offending:
Section 115 Conspiring to bring false accusation (New Zealand Crimes Act 1961)
Section 310 Conspiring to commit an offense (New Zealand Crimes Act 1961),
Section 8 Criminal Harassment (New Zealand Harassment Act 1997)
Section 237 Blackmail (New Zealand Harassment Act 1997)
Mr Butler has threatened to commit further offending against Nottingham (aided by others). Such behaviour would certainly seal a charge and conviction against Butler (and the others involved) for Criminal Harassment and blackmail. We believe the “others” that Butler is referring to are Arrin Wislang, Mark Davis and Christine Thomas, and the others named in this article. We understand from Mr Nottingham that he will make an application against Arrin Wislang pursuant to the Harassment Act 1997 in the New Year.
We also believe that the group are liable civilly for the damages caused, as are the ACC employee’s who actively courted and encouraged the cabal in their fallacious, malicious and undoubtedly criminal behaviour.
Despite Alan Thomas’s predicament, the miscarriage of justice, having been a belated factor in our own mission, to protect probably more than a hundred innocent victims of harassment, we would like to have assisted him in seeking justice. His fellow forum member, David Butler, has yet again changed the course of history with his continued egregious behaviour – but as the old saying goes
” there’s no honour amongst thieves”
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- http://www.stuff.co.nz/sunday-star-times/features/feature-archive/11902/SPECIAL-INVESTIGATION-Money-for-jobs-immigration-scam
- http://www.nzherald.co.nz/serious-fraud-office/news/article.cfm?o_id=371&objectid=10720062
- http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10119102
- ACC and Forum “Super grass” contacts Lauda Finem (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- ACCForum, profiling head cases – Part II (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- Mark Davis, (aka) Barry John Smith (aka) Otaki Riders, (aka) Muppet (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- Side Show Alley – ACCforum & the case of the pot calling the kettle black (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- Stop press: ACC Claimants confidential files released without their knowledge or permission (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- Corruptio optimi pessima – accforum “Bill Birch” and “not their victim, a jigsaw piece: (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- Side Show Alley – ACCForum.org – A Latin lesson for the novice (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- Stop Press: ACCForum – Serial Fraudster & Defamer, Kenneth Miller writes (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- ACCForum – convicted criminal Miller, his mate Weal & their cabal lose the “plot” (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- ACCForum: Kenneth Miller & the McLaughlin Plot (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- www.accforum.org, exactly where did it all begin? (laudafinem.wordpress.com)
- ACCForum, profiling head cases – Part I (laudafinem.wordpress.com)