Lauda Finem has alleged that the key players in the Alan Thomas trial may well have conspired to pervert the course of justice. As we review the tranche of documents we have also found extraordinary evidence that relates to an allegation we had earlier leveled – That and appeared to be nothing more than fronts for the Accident Compensation Corporation.
What we have uncovered will shock not just the members of these two on-line forums. It will astound the average New Zealander. It seems to us that knowledge of this intelligence gathering machine went as high as the then CEO of the Accident Compensation Corporation Dr Jan White and the the Minister responsible Maryan Street.
James Douglas Weal and his mate Kenneth Paul Robert Miller(aka Tomcat) were the star witnesses in the Takapuna Bomb plot, wherein Alan Thomas was convicted of allegedly planning to detonate a bomb out side the ACC offices, Takapuna branch.
Messrs Weal and Miller (tomcat) had a long history of making false allegations, an issue that was not raised at the trial of Thomas, especially by ACC and a Fairfax journalist by the name of Tony Wall. From the evidence, Lauda Finem have obtained, we suspect that there may have been a very serious miscarriage of justice in the Alan Thomas case.
Amongst the hundreds of documents that Lauda Finem has “sourced” we located a few very unusual emails, the first sent by Douglas Weal on Wednesday, January 16, 2008. Mr Weal is writing to a Ministerial Secretary, Ms Megan Bligh (the underlining emphasis is ours):
Hi Megan
Private and Confidential.
I have been approached by several people about the following problem.
We need a “conduit” into ACC, where we can feed high value information about ACC and Claimants. However the information needs to be seen by Dr White, before it disappears down the chain of command.
This situation has been brought about because it appears that since the internal enquiry into the activities of the ACC Fraud Unit, senior ACC staff are so busy watching their backs they appear too scared to act, and to the extent they appear to be no longer receptive to copies of hard information. Several persons who have contacts within ACC have reported this problem.
What we are asking for is a contact person, phone number or email address, where the Minister can assure us, the information is seen by Dr White, before it is distributed within ACC; and if so requested, the source of the information remains with Dr White’s office.
I ask that the Office of the Minister facilitate this?
The contact will be personally given to a select few people so that these persons can sort out the chaff and verify the information before it is passed on to ACC. Persons who currently may have information which would be of interest to Dr White and ACC include Warren Forster, Dave Butler, Bruce Van Essen and myself
I look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
Douglas Weal
Just why would Mr Weal an ACC disability beneficiary and his notable others be requiring high level access to Dr Jan White so as to feed her “high value information” (which we would equate with intelligence) for the Accident Compensation Corporation to use? We think that most of our readers could put many scenarios together most of them extremely sinister.
What comes next and of far greater importance, is this email from the Ministers Secretary Ms Megan Bly:
From: “Megan Bly” <>To: “Douglas” <>Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 11:32 AMSubject: Re: Fw: ContactDear Mr Weal,Thank you for your email. I have discussed your concerns with theMinister regarding your request for a ‘conduit’ into ACC.While I am sure that Dr White does get to see the information that you provide, if you would like asenior member of staff as a contact, then the most appropriate person is Barry Davis. Mr Davis is currently the Director of the Chief Executives Office.Mr Davis can be contacted on 04 918 7700 (ACC’s main line) or PO Box 242, Wellington.I appreciate that you are aware that these issues are operational innature and therefore the responsibility of the Chief Executive of ACC ratherthan the Minister.I hope this information helps.RegardsMegan BlyPrivate Secretary ACCOffice of Hon Maryan StreetParliament BuildingsWellington
The garbage above proves clearly that writers are
of a twisted mental state…
but thats not unusual for an aussie dingo pack. (email address previously published online at
Dingo packs have a habit of tearing feral cats apart Mr Miller, leaving them to rot in the sun.