Yet another roastbusting West Auckland police officer was caught with his pants down and his arse jammed full of illicit contraband, cannabis and other illegal items. Lotovale Persese an serving sworn Police constable for 13 years got off scott free, well a few hours community work is all and the odd conviction. To their credit the boys in blue did ask for this criminal copper to get some time in the can, but Judge Wilson had concerns that the wrath of the other prisoners might have come down on this feral enforcer. Crown prosecutor Lepeka Tatilia submitted;
“Denuciation of this offending and deterrence of others from this type of offending is particularly important”
She was referring to the generally criminal conduct of the West Auckland coppers. Three months earlier another west Auckland criminal copper was arrested on charges of supplying drugs and tipping off gang members” His name Constable Peter ‘Mr P’ Pakau. [P is NZ slang for methamphetamine]
Pity that all the innocent people that get banged up on a regular basis don’t get the same degree of sympathy. The judge commenting;
“a prison sentence would not be appropriate as it would place Persese at risk of harm from the very people he dealt with”
Without being rude to the good judge, the same risk, gay guys, little white guys or any number of convicts have to face every day of their lives when subject to sexual assault, intimidation and other crimes at the hands of fellow inmates.
Judge David Wilson commented that “It is a sad day indeed to see you in the dock” LF has to disagree it was a good job to see this criminal copper in the dock where he belonged. A few years earlier and Greg O’Connor and the boys from the Police Association would have covered it up with spin and speil and he would have been retired early possibly with his pension still intact.
Meanwhile ‘central station’ police officers were at it again filming themselves in sexual acts and sending the amateur porn to another police employee to coax her out of her panty’s. The junior police employee said no thanks Sarg I like big ones without the warts.