Sir Doug Graham is very busy these days defending the fraud charges he faces over his dodgy dealings in the finance company Lombard finance Ltd. This is not the first time Dodgy Doug has been charged with a serious criminal offence. This time it’s not chump change however; 127 million went west when this numb nuts did his best for Ma and Pa investors.
Dodgy Doug seen here standing in the dock with a couple of his dodgy mates. ex Labour party cabinet minister and fellow accused Bill Jefferies and Michael Reeves. Birds of a feather stick together. Dodgy Doug and Bill “filthy lucre” Jeffries were both ex lawyers and ex Justice Ministers. Now hopefully they’ll get what they deserve and be allotted the same cell.
“I’m deeply saddened to have been caught” said Dodgy Doug or words to that effect. This time the Solicitor General was unable to stay the prosecution.
In 1999 when Dermot Nottingham charged this National party good old boy, the Solicitor General stayed the prosecution. Nottingham had charged Dodgy Doug with s71 of the Crimes Act for suppression of the evidence against Messr’s Andrew John Gummer, Sunil Bansal and Robert Cousins for odometer fraud.
As soon as the stay was entered against the suppression of evidence charges, the Serious fraud office charged the odometer fraudsters. Go figure. Now how do we know the SFO was in Dodgy Doug’s back pocket…..well they told us.
A low rent sycophantic little National party toady by the name of Annabel Young told us in Parliament when she directed a Dorothy dix question at Dodgy Doug the then minister of Justice.
The SFO, a department under Dodgy Doug’s control had sent one of its officers around to the home of Dermot Nottingham to meet Phil Goff and Harry Duynhoven. The senior labour party politicians wanted an explanation for the extraordinary delays over the prosecution of the car dealers.
Phil Roigard the SFO officer was introduced to the politicians by Mr Nottingham as the Smiths as a joke. The SFO reported the meeting to Dodgy Doug because of his instructions to go slow… on the prosecution.
Doug took the opportunity to mock the Labour party politicians in Parliament and got this low rent little looser of a pollie to ask the Dorothy Dix. The corrupt Nats laughed long and hardy at the expense of the consumers. Fairfax journo’s reported it in their shite sheet the equally dodgy dominion; an extract is recorded below:
“The implication that the pair had either attended incognito, or had profiles so low that they would not be recognized, provoked such hilarity that the speaker of the house Doug Kidd, said above the noise: every body seems to know the answer”
Phil Goff pointed out that Mr Doug Grahams sensitivity was due to the SFO’s contribution to the odometer fraud investigation being one officer in a broom closet.
What is of real concern was the conduit between the SFO and Graham and the use of the information by Graham in Parliament to ridicule the Investigation.
Who’s laughing now Doug, the dealers were found Guilty of fraud, and you’re in the dock again. Phil Roigard is now a private dick, having left his job as a public dick. Your reputation is destroyed just like the retirement nest eggs of 4000 kiwi investors. Maybe someone should ask a Dorothy dix about the ex minister of Justice…….Here at Lauda Finem we’re sure that would bring the house down!
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Jesus Mary and Joseph, Just read the story about the Orthodox christian (sex offenders..aren’t they all) and their conduct against the lesbian couple. I’m not gay but my boyfriend is and he is really pissed at this couple of clown christian fundamentalists. Typical of fairfax media to fail to investigate the story properly. Lets extend it to jews, muslims and any other minority these type of people object to. Come on people a licenced accommodation facility should be required to adhear to certain fundamental standards. Anyway got hooked up in all the stories and ended up on this page. To have one ex minister of Justice convicted of fraud is bad enough..let alone two. What sort of fucked up little two bit shit hole is New Zealand. Australia has its issues but NZ is falling apart.!