Ray White Real Estate and Mr Martin Honey’s fraudulent Remax website

Note: The videos below weres disabled by YouTube on  20 April 2012 after someone in power (we suspect via YouTube partner TVNZ) falsely alleged that what amounts to an evidential tape was defamatory. It is of course not defamatory, the truth never is, but the video does evidence Mr Honey’s criminal offending and that must be embarrassing for Mr Honey and the REAA.

Lauda Finem have also taken the extraordinary step of closing our YouTube account (in protest) and will be working over the weekend to have the video evidence up and running again, this time under the complete control of www.laudafinem.org so that the likes of Martin Honey and his corrupt national party mates cant touch it………so pop back soon

Up Dates:

14/2/2012: Below is a link to the full report into Martin Honey Ray Whites fraudulent Re/max website , the case independently investigated and reported on by a respected veteran of the New Zealand Police force; now retired Detective Sergeant Peter Hikaka; his report submitted only days ago. Lauda Finem’s volunteers have also been working tirelessly to obtain the email addresses of over 4000 (and climbing)  of New Zealand’s real estate agents and will (as of tomorrow) be sending all posts directly to those in the industry:

REAA: The Martin Honey Ray White fraud; the reports in!

REAA; a very very big mistake, conspiracy to defeat the course of justice?


Original Post:

Despite our invitation to Mr Martin Honey, Ms Jackie Blue and Ray White Corporate to explain their criminal actions we have recieved no reply, we were especially curious as to what Martin Honey had meant with his SMS threat, “BIG MISTAKE!”

So we move on. As promised the first installment of video footage taken in April of Martin Honey Ray White Royal Oaks fraudulent website. Regular readers of this blog will remember our earlier posts; Jackie “the fixer” Blue  Unfortunately, Jackie may be about to receive another hiding, this time though it will be because she has attempted to pervert the course of justice.

Her mates Nathan Guy and Keith Manch my be getting looked at pretty closely too! We certainly will be.

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