This is absolutely hilarious, the administrator at , the only one with administrative access to the site, has altered the content of brionia’s posts. These are the posts in question as currently displayed (many of you will no doubt recognise the difference):
Kiwioncoast is wrong and doesn’t know what they are talking about.
Unfortunately for brionia and Keentohelp we have screen grabs of the same unedited posts in which she claimed to know Cunningham personally. brionia in the same unedited version claims that Monarch’s James Kenneth Cunningham is apparently aged mid 40’s, with a full head of hair and possessing the physique of any one of a handfull of the the front row in the New Zealand all-blacks team. This same Brionia then screeching that Cunningham could not possibly be the man in the photographs on our site. Of course brionia had not realised that our photo was 23 years old.
We were tipped off as to the likelyhood that this creative editing could happen; by this little complaint posted on by a member Bart on 27th August 2010:
Issue: Has the admin of ACCforum now become a toady of the legal scam being carried out by ACC ?
Unfortunately for brionia our screen grabs of the original post confirms that Brionia claimed to know James Kenneth Cunningham personally, of course she didn’t and when outed with our reader kiwioncoast’s post:
brionia and keentohelp panicked and then altered brionia’s original post, her bullshit discription of Cunningham and claimed personal knowledge of the man. They then set about trying to coverup their work with this post:
They didn’t do a particularly good job really, they left one other unaltered post behind and that chronology is additional evidence of what we here in Australia call corruption:
According to your mate Brionia who allegedly knew him he was well muscled and in his 40’s LOL.Good try guys but it ain’t going to stop the truth coming out.)
When you brionia, Keentohelp resort to this sort of bullshit its called corruption, in case no one else on your forum recognised it! It’s small time and we haven’t really the resources to spend on this currently; we’ll put it up with the whole story (images included), when things slow down a little. Utter clowns both of you.
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