“The beards to hide the jaw that was constantly clamped in anguish
at his only success in life; – failure. Dr Miles Wislang the killing of over
100 ACC staff to be an epitaph of note?”
Internet hate site and cyber bullying aficionado, disgraced medical practitioner and hair transplant peddler, Mr Miles Wislang was involved with assisting Takapuna Bomber, Alan Thomas, plan to kill over 100 ACC staff members by planting a bomb in a van parked close to the evacuation assembly area before setting off the fire alarms.
Thomas’s computer was found by Police to hold detailed plans as to how Thomas and Wislang were to source the materials to build the bomb. Thomas had been convicted for a quarter million dollars of ACC fraud, which he and Wislang had used in an attempt to fund the defrauding of wealthy New Zealanders by peddling bullshit hair transplants that always failed leaving the victim both physically and mentally scared.
Miles son, Arrin Wislang, now an executive at the Ballarat Health Board was also involved in sourcing material, both ingredients and information on how to build and transport the bomb to the kill site.

“This picture was taken just before Nurse Janice Karaka Clarke was sacked for being “unstable” and a threat to patients – the medico theme runs strongly through the conspiracy members.”
The [ACCForum] conspiracy’s downfall came when Thomas and the Wislangs informed other members of the hate site ACCforum. Not all were against the plan, and the supporters seemed to have a “hate” against white middle class New Zealand.
Such supporters were Janice Karaka Clarke who supported the plan and wanted to plan simultaneous attacks against all Auckland offices of the Corporation. Janice Karaka Clarke offered her gang connections to source stolen vans to transport the bombs. Another maniacal supporter of Clarkes desire to kill thousands rather than hundreds came from Muslim radical Marakita Mehmet.
A final conspirator who wanted ACC offices obliterated with the loss of all was none other than cross dresser Bruce Van Essen AKA “Huggy”.

“Not the sharpest tool – ACCForum fool from a shallow gene pool – Dutchtard arsewipe Bruce Van Essen. The High Court found Van Essen guilty of systemic ACC fraud and that he was entitled to less than two bits of fuck all”

“Trollop Bruce “cum sack” Van Essen likes to let his hair down –thanks to a wig he got off Miles Wislang. He also likes men taking his panties down when hes wearing the wig”
LF supergrass David Butler, through Skpye confessions [available on LF] to New Zealand justice campaigner Dermot Nottingham, informed of his involvement in the murderous terrorist plan. We must confirm that Mr Butler was of the mind that the conspirators had been set up by other ACCForum members, and that Mr Butler did not believe that the conspiracy would be carried out.
However LF’s most recent information from another reliable source discredits Mr Butlers beliefs as being wishful thinking. LF now feels that Thomas was properly convicted.
![“mug shot” – Alan Thomas [AKA the Takapuna Bomber]: - confidant and business “pardner” of Miles “blam, boom, bang” Wislang -](http://www.laudafinem.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/screen-shot-2013-08-01-at-5-17-40-pm.png?w=610)
“mug shot” – Alan Thomas [AKA the Takapuna Bomber]: – confidant and business “partner” of Miles “blam, boom, bang” Wislang –
![“Big LF supporter – ACCForum turn coat, and all round good guy, David “I did them all” Butler. Butler hates career criminal and ACC fraudster Kenneth Miller – a man with so many convictions and aliases [put in connection to list of convictions and aliases].](http://www.laudafinem.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/screen-shot-2013-08-01-at-5-21-44-pm.png)
“Big LF supporter – ACCForum turn coat, and all round good guy, David “I did them all” Butler. Butler hates career criminal and ACC fraudster Kenneth Miller – a man with so many convictions and aliases.

“Of interest to LF, Alan Thomas and Miles Wislang did not want career criminal Kenneth Miller involved. Apparently they both thought Miller was a bit challenged when Miller asked how they were not going to burn their lips on the exhaust pipe blowing up a van”
Apparently Kenneth Miller was a ‘skinhead’ at one time and when caught by the Police made the following statement;
“Me and my girlfriend were walking down the road when she spotted a beautiful diamond ring in the window. ”Wow,” she said, “I would sure like to have that!”. I said ”No problem baby!”, as I threw a brick through the window and snatched the ring and ran off.
A few blocks later, my lady was admiring a leather jacket in another shop window. “What I would give to own that!” she said.
I thought ”why not”, and threw another brick through the window and snatched the jacket.
Finally turning for home, we passed the Mercedes car dealership. My lady said “Boy, I would do just anything for one of those!”.
I lost my cool and said “Fuck me, darling,”, “Do you think I’m made of bricks or something?”
Some of Millers offending is violent and is normally against his grandkids. Apparently the severity and frequency of the offending has led locals that know of Millers proclivity to voraciously devour the futures of innocent children to come up with this joke;
What’s black and blue and doesn’t like sex? Millers grandkids.
Related articles
- Apocolypse NOW for ACC Forum. Their victims must be laughing. (laudafinem.com)
- ACCForum member and nut job “Rossco” = stssor@vodafone.net.nz (laudafinem.com)
- Cyber Bullying: How Can You Protect Your Child? (valleycentral.com)
- Cyber Bullying Statistics, A vast resource Article featured by NoBullying.com Today (virtual-strategy.com)
- 4. Cyber bullying: (ecsumarcionettes.wordpress.com)
- Fighting Cyber Bullying: It’s Personal, Not Physical (detroit.cbslocal.com)
- Absolute Software (Cyber Bullies) (terkinn.wordpress.com)
- Cyber Bullying (vtcourse.wordpress.com)
- ACCForum: Profiling Nut-jobs – Another “Sparrow” falls – LF blows a very nasty old bird’s anonymity asunder (laudafinem.com)
- Cyber bully, and medical disgrace, – previously a Doctor – Mr Miles Wislang is the second Takapuna Bomber. (laudafinem.com)
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