Have you all heard the latest scuttlebutt on the Martin Honey Ray White Realty situation, apparently Marty has been caught balls deep hanging out of a women who didn’t have the name Mrs Honey. Martin was giving this girlie some of his “Honey”.
Stephanie Honey aka Mrs Martin Honey was seriously pissed and Martin has left the matrimonial residence. The lawyers are chomping at the bit to get their fangs into the family jewels.
Stephanie refused to personally comment, but a close personal friend has revealed that she yelled at Marty as he packed his dirty underwear and a packet of strawberry flavored ribbed reamers “show me the money Honey”.
Meanwhile Marty and his crooked mate Rohan Thompson are trying to steal West Auckland liar and lard arse realtor Aaron Drever from the RE/MAX franchise for Glen Eden.
We have a story coming on Drever and his criminally fraudulent forgeries and fraud.
Aaron Drever’s favorite ditty is “you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette”.
Before the stomach staple operation this lard arse adhered religiously to this mantra. He was caught distributing forged leaflets claiming his customers were satisfied with his conduct until the customer got it jammed into her letter box.
That’s when the shit hit the fan and RE/MAX NZ succeeded in covering up this criminal conduct and failed to report the conduct to the REAA. Not that the REAA would do anything. The behaviour of RE/MAX New Zealand in failing to report Drever’s behaviour is an offence under the REAA 2008.
The purpose of the Act is found at section 3 which purports to promote raising the industry standards, and providing accountability through an independent disciplinary process. Of course LF has proved through previous stories that the REAA makes the New Zealand Police look straight, which should be no surprise as all of the crooked cops went to work their when they were forced out of the force.
3. Purpose of Act
(1) The purpose of this Act is to promote and protect the interests of consumers in respect of transactions that relate to real estate and to promote public confidence in the performance of real estate agency work.
(2) The Act achieves its purpose by—
(a) regulating agents, branch managers, and salespersons:
(b) raising industry standards:
(c) providing accountability through a disciplinary process that is independent, transparent, and effective.
Section 156 allows the REAA to change its rules of conduct and customer care, but if the REAA is corrupt, as LF has clearly proven on numerous occasions is the case, and will continue to do so over the coming months with numerous amazing articles, how the fuck are the Rules to have any impact on the pandemic levels of dishonesty that is present within the industry.
Subpart 4—Regulations
156. Regulations
(1) The Governor-General may, by Order in Council, make regulations for all or any of the following purposes:
Rules 6 and 7 provide;
The other RE/MAX franchise at Henderson was in the news with judgments against its owners for forgery, fraud, insider trading, and hydraulicing prices.
West Auckland for those who don’t know is rev head heaven full of dope chugging drop kicks, and blue-collar workers.
LF will report the Aaron Drever story when we receive a copy of the leaflet, which has been promised in the next few days. We’ll update our readers on the self – emolation of the Honey relationship as it develops.
As for RE/MAX NZ, this dead-shit fraudulent corporate has been sold to an Australasian concern, and is slowly loosing [or was that oozing] what little market share it still has.
RE/MAX NZ retains it’s previous dip shit chief executive Mr Chris Chapman who is reported to have said on the recent serious criminal conduct of his agents “I want to see nothing and do nothing”. Well Chris “the cleaner” Chapman your stupid cunt balloon is about to got up.
![Chris “the cleaner” Chapman [far left in the twenty buck shoes]. RE/MAX “First Choice” with criminal real estate agents. LF is informed that Chris qualified as an accountant, which helps with laundering the criminal proceeds that the likes of Aaron Drever provide.](http://www.laudafinem.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/screen-shot-2013-07-25-at-8-07-06-am.png?w=610)
Chris “the cleaner” Chapman [far left in the twenty buck shoes]. A gormless looking prick and RE/MAX “First Choice” with criminal real estate agents. LF is informed that Chris qualified as an accountant, which helps with laundering the criminal proceeds that the likes of Aaron Drever provide.

The image of evil in West Auckland real estate – prior to the gut staple. LF is told that Aaron Drever still has a massive fold of skin that hangs over his genitalia, and is considering cosmetic surgery from foot to face.
Losing weight has had other benefits for Drever. He has taken to skinny dipping………… in his tiny Asian girlfriend.
Drever made this dumb fuck bitch believe that his massive lump of skin covering his genitalia was his foreskin.
Related Articles:
Owners catch agent on tape after wrangle (NZ Herald)
Real estate agent apologises (NZ Herald)
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