Businessman caught in web of deceit

We here at Lauda Finem want our readers to take a close look at this story. It appeared in a Fairfax paper just over three years ago on the  20/06/2009. It tells the woeful tale of the REAA’s (acting) executive registrar Dean...

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ACC case: Minister wrote letter for friend

ACC case: Minister wrote letter for friend, REAA case: Minister wrote letter for friend, REAA case two: chairwoman assists in obtaining high paying  job for bent cop mate. Just how many other cases are out there? National Party Ministers have clearly sought to obtain preferential...

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National’s Boag was in ACC meeting

Today the New Zealand Herald (NZH) on Sunday ran an article outing the informant in the latest ACC privacy breach, allegedly the largest breach in New Zealand’s history. In the Herald piece the journalist  David Fisher claims that during a meeting with ACC the...

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